Vision Jet | The Next Evolution - Cirrus Vision SF50
The award-winning Vision Jet ushers in a new era in personal aviation with jet speed, comfort & convenience. Experience the world's first Personal Jet.
Cirrus Vision SF50 - Wikipedia
The Cirrus Vision SF50, also known as the Vision Jet, is a single-engine very light jet designed and produced by Cirrus Aircraft of Duluth, Minnesota, United States. After receiving deposits starting in 2006, Cirrus unveiled an aircraft mock-up on …
The Cirrus Aircraft Vision Jet is the culmination of relentless innovation. As the world’s first single-engine Personal Jet, it excels in performance while being simple to fly and easy to own and operate. With the Vision Jet, we ushered in a new era of personal transportation where jet speed, jet comfort and jet convenience are accessible.
Cirrus Vision Jet SF50 - Price, Speed, Fuel Burn & Specs
2023年1月19日 · A new Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet costs $2.85 million (or $3.6 million for the latest G2). Pre-owned examples fetch $2.5 million on average, and as little as $1.9 million. The single Williams FJ33 turbofan gives a max cruise speed of 358 …
VISION SF50 Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, Performance
It’s a jet that’s designed to be flown by the owner. Not requiring a full-time professional pilot or a full-blown flight department, the Vision Jet fills the untapped void between high-performance pistons and the Very Light Jet. Simpler to fly and easier to operate and own, the Vision Jet is truly a revolution in personal transportation.
Cirrus Vision Jet - AOPA
Certified in late 2016 with first deliveries shortly thereafter, Cirrus’s Vision Jet is the only civilian certified single-engine jet in production. Cirrus designed it to be a simple step up from its SR series. Every switch, knob, and lever is in virtually the …
Cirrus Vision Jet SF50 规格 | 比较私人飞机 - Compare Private Planes
Cirrus Vision Jet性能. SF50 由一台威廉姆斯 FJ33-4A-19 涡轮风扇发动机提供动力,该发动机可产生 1,900 磅推力(总计 1,900 磅),安装在后机身上方。 Vision Jet 在公务机领域独树一帜,拥有 V 型尾翼,机身完全由复合材料制成,这在量产喷气机中尚属首次。
关于EF50 1.4 的描述 ,是否属实,望高手指点迷津,谢谢@!
2021年11月18日 · 以下为50 1.4 描述 :佳能EF 50mmf/1.4 USM一款轻巧及质素极佳的标准镜头,其拥有定焦头难得的F1.4大光圈,同时拥有多片高折射镜片及最新的光学设计能有效减低及防止色散。 这个多片高折射镜片是为什么镜片???是玻璃材质的还是树脂? 求解? 本帖最后由 huangqiqi 于 2021-11-18 00:31 编辑. 感觉RF镜头的片子的色彩都有点干涩,一股浓浓的数码味,是镜头的原因还是无反机身的原因? 我认为是刷跑分的副作用。 比如rf24-105我觉得就比ef …
【器材篇】廉价人像镜皇——佳能EF 50mm f/1.8 STM - 知乎
针对入门用家及摄影爱好者的新一代50mm全片幅标準镜头,具备接近肉眼的自然透视及f/1.8大光圈,是EF镜头系列中最经济实用的选择。 镜头经典的5组6片光学镜片结构,确保整个对焦范围均呈现高质素影像及自然的表现力,非常适合作人像拍摄或日常抓拍。 镜头采用为数码摄影优化的镜头涂膜,更特别加入如消除眩光结构等机械构造,有效减低鬼影和眩光及确保优越色彩平衡。 内置 STM步进马达,令自动对焦更高速宁静并支援全时手动对焦。 镜头长度仅为39.3mm及重量仅 …
EF镜头 - 标准定焦镜头 - EF 50mm f/1.8 STM - 产品首页 - 佳 …
EF 50mm f/1.8 STM所采用的“STM+齿轮型”单元可实现小型化设计,适合作为小型镜头的驱动器。 另外,配备STM步进马达的镜头,在半按快门按钮时也可进行全时手动对焦。 ※ 相机的自动对焦模式为“单次自动对焦”时,完成自动对焦后,半按快门按钮并转动对焦环,即可手动调焦。 此外,未开启相机电源、自动关闭电源及拍摄待机时无法手动调焦。 最近对焦距离约0.35米,可充分靠近被摄体拍摄。 拍摄图例时,镜头前端距被摄体仅约26.7厘米,被摄体被拍大的同时,获得 …