English test with free certification | EF SET
Test your English with the EF Standard English Test (EF SET), the first free, online standardized English test built to rigorous academic requirements, and as reliable as fee-based exams.
Test de Inglés Online, Prueba Oficial y Certificación Gratuita | EF SET
Pon a prueba tu nivel de inglés con el Examen de inglés estándar de EF (EF SET), el primer examen de inglés estandarizado online y gratuito creado con rigurosos requisitos académicos y tan fiable como los exámenes de honorarios.
EF Standard English Test - Wikipedia
There are three versions of the EFSET: a 15-minute test which is basically a quiz type test, a 50-minute test which assesses the reading and listening skills, and a 90-minute test which covers reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
EF SET English Certificate | EF SET | Guide to English exams | EF ...
The EF SET English Certificate is a standardized English test used primarily for English proficiency certification. It tests reading and listening skills but not speaking or writing skills. Scores on the EF SET range from 0 to 100 and are aligned with the six CEFR levels.
EF SET explained | EF SET | Guide to English exams | EF United States
The EF Standard English Test (EF SET) is an open-access standardized English test used primarily by adults for professional English certification purposes. Because it is open-access, schools and companies also use the EF SET to measure English levels in …
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - EF SET
The EF SET is a suite of free, online language tests designed to meet the high technical standards as the other standardized tests in the field, such as the TOEFL or IELTS.
EF SET preparation | EF SET | Guide to English exams | EF Global …
Unlike other English tests, the EF SET requires no special preparation because you can always take it again if you’re not satisfied with your score. It is a free test. The best preparation for the EF SET is to find a quiet place where you can concentrate and set aside enough time to complete the entire test in one sitting.
EF SET listening section | EF SET | Guide to English exams | EF …
The EF SET listening section is composed of a series of recorded texts read by American, British English, and Australian English speakers, with one or more comprehension questions about each text. Because the EF SET listening section is adaptive, the lengths of the recordings and the difficulty of the questions asked will depend on how well the ...
顶级咨询公司常用工具之EFE&IFE矩阵 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
EFE矩阵是外部因素评价矩阵(External Factor Evaluation Matrix)的简称,是一种对外部环境进行分析的工具。 外部环境包括了政治、经济、社会文化、技术、人口、法律、环境等等。
SWT的自动化测试框架 SWTBot - 工具软件 - 手册网
SWTBot 是一个基于 Java 的新兴开源项目,致力于实现对基于 SWT 和 Eclipse 的应用程序 GUI 的自动化测试。 当前,基于 eclipse 和 SWT 的产品非常多,随之而来的对于这一类产品的自动化测试需求也就越来越多。