EFESTO 2 European Flexible hEat Shields advanced TPS design …
EFESTO-2 is the natural follow-on of the project EFESTO (H2020 grant 821801) and aims to increase the European know-how and technology capabilities in the Inflatable Heat Shields (IHS) field. It will lean on the great achievements obtained in the frame of the father project EFESTO by implementing the needed forward advance to improve the ...
EFESTO - The European flexible heatshield through its Consolidated ...
2020年12月17日 · EFESTO aims to developing inflatable heatshields, allowing larger decelerating surfaces to be folded and stored within the launcher's fairing constraints, increasing the exploration capabilities and allowing larger payloads to be landed.
European Flexible hEat Shields: advanced TPS design and tests for ...
2025年1月28日 · The goal of EU-funded EFESTO is to increase the European TRL (technology readiness level) of inflatable heatshields for re-entry vehicles from 3 to 5, and pave the way for a higher level of maturity (TLR 6) with a future in-orbit demonstrator. Such innovative heat shields slow down and protect payloads from heat entering the atmosphere from orbit.
EFESTO-2 is an EU-funded project under Horizon Europe that aims to enhance European expertise in Inflatable Heat Shields (IHS). Building on the achievements of the previous EFESTO project (H2020 funds No 821801), EFESTO-2 focuses on advancing key IHS technologies to increase their Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
EFESTO-2: European Flexible Heat Shields Advanced TPS Design
2024年1月19日 · EFESTO-2 is an EU-funded project under Horizon Europe that aims to enhance European expertise in Inflatable Heat Shields (IHS). Building on the achievements of the previous EFESTO project (H2020 funds No 821801), EFESTO-2 focuses on advancing key IHS technologies to increase their Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
European Flexible hEat Shields: advanced TPS design and tests for ...
2022年10月24日 · The EU-funded EFESTO-2 project will raise the maturity level of the heat shield technology (TRL 5) developed in a previous project (EFESTO) for future re-entry missions. EFESTO-2 will pave the way for new space mission concepts that involve the landing and safe touchdown of heavier payloads on Mars or the reusability of the launcher upper stages.
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2024年5月26日 · 朴实无华的包装里面,是一个单纯的塑料壳包裹的 硬盘。 没有附带 散热片 导热贴,没有螺丝刀,甚至螺丝都没有,就单纯的一个硬盘。 看看人家 英睿达 官方的店多上道的,不但给了散热片 散热贴还给了tpu的皮筋。 闲话不多说了,就说这块盘吧。 我这块是2t的盘,单面颗粒,这点还是不错的。 主控是联芸1602,后封长江232L tlc颗粒(商品没有明确说是长江原厂颗粒,全部默认第三方后封,俗称黑片),无缓存。 他这个比较特色的是把正面一侧换成了铝 …
EFESTO-2 at the 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
The EU-funded Horizon Europe project, EFESTO-2, showcased its remarkable progress and contributions at the 74th International Astronautical Congress held in Baku, Azerbaijan. This event marked a historic moment for both the EFESTO-2 project and the space industry in Azerbaijan, which hosted the Congress for the second time in 50 years.
EFESTO - advancing European hypersonic inflatable ... - ReadPaper
EFESTO aims at (1) the definition of critical space mission scenarios (Earth and Mars applications) enabled by the use of advanced inflatable Thermal Protection Systems (TPS), (2) characterization of the operative environment and (3) validation by tests of both the flexible materials needed for the thermal protection (flexible thermal blanket ...
Advanced European Re-Entry System Based on Inflatable Heat …
The EFESTO project, funded by the European Union programme H2020, aims at raising the European TRL of Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerators. It includes design, development, test and validation of tools for the design of the flexible TPS (F-TPS) and the inflatable structures of the heat shield for atmospheric entry missions.
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