欧洲自由贸易联盟 - 百度百科
其主要任务是:逐步取消成员国内部工业品的关税和其他贸易壁垒,以实现“自由贸易”;对其他国家的工业品仍各保持不同的关税率;扩大农产品的贸易;不谋求任何形式的欧洲政治一体化 [3]。 秘书长威廉·罗歇(William Rossier,瑞士人),2000年9月1日上任,任期为3年。 副秘书长彼得·索尔斯坦松(Petur G. Thorsteinsson,冰岛人)、佩尔·曼内斯 (Per K. Mannes,挪威人)。 现任主席施耐德-阿曼,为瑞士 财政部长 [2]。
欧洲自由贸易联盟 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
歐洲自由貿易联盟 (英語: European Free Trade Association,縮寫為 EFTA)是 歐洲 一個促進貿易的組織。 該組織於1960年5月3日成立,希望可以超越 歐洲經濟共同體。 成員國有 冰島 、 列支敦斯登 、 挪威 以及 瑞士 ,前成員國有 英国 、 奧地利 、 葡萄牙 、 丹麥 、 瑞典 以及 芬蘭。 歐洲自由貿易協會會議於1960年1月4日於 瑞典 首都 斯德哥爾摩 舉行,參與 國家 為 挪威 、 瑞士 、 英国 、 奧地利 、 葡萄牙 、 丹麥 以及 瑞典,並合稱為「外七國」。 隨著聯盟改變 瓦都茲 …
European Free Trade Association - Wikipedia
To participate in the EU's single market, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway are parties to the Agreement on a European Economic Area (EEA), with compliances regulated by the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA Court. Switzerland has a set of multilateral agreements with the EU and its member states instead. [dubious – discuss]
The European Free Trade Association
EFTA has an extensive worldwide network of free trade relations. Its third-country policy aims to safeguard the economic interests of its Member States, support and reinforce European and interregional integration, and contribute to global efforts to liberalise trade and investment.
Objectives in free trade agreements - European Free Trade …
EFTA has the following objectives in its free trade agreements. The EFTA States have a highly developed and diversified industrial base. EFTA FTAs normally grant total elimination of import duties for all industrial products.
About EFTA | European Free Trade Association
Learn more about the European Free Trade Association and its history, as well as past and current Secretaries-General, background information on the Association, Member States, budget, press resources, job opportunities and EFTA staff. Main events in …
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - EUR-Lex
EFTA is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1960 by the EFTA Convention, that promotes free trade and economic integration between its members, within Europe and globally . There were 7 founding countries: Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK).
The EFTA Court: Structure and Tasks | SpringerLink
2015年12月12日 · Without the EFTA Court, the EEA Agreement could not function. The present contribution focuses on the position of the EFTA Court in the governance structure of the EEA.
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) | Britannica
1994年1月1日 · European Free Trade Association (EFTA), group of four countries— Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland —organized to remove barriers to trade in industrial goods among themselves, but with each nation maintaining its own commercial policy toward countries outside the group. Headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.
European Free Trade Association Surveillance Authority
ESA's primary task is to ensure that relevant EU law is properly transposed and enforced by the EEA EFTA States - Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. In this context, ESA broadly performs the same roles as the European Commission, and the two bodies work closely together.
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