Universe - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
After his play at TI4, UNiVeRsE was heralded as one of the best offlaners in the world, especially for his outstanding matches on Faceless Void. UNiVeRsE was a key part of EG's success during their 2015 season, which saw marquee wins at both the Dota 2 Asia Championships and The International 2015.
Universe (gamer) - Wikipedia
Saahil Arora (born October 11, 1989), better known as Universe, is an Indian American former professional Dota 2 player. He was a member of the Evil Geniuses team that won The International 2015. [2]
如何评价EG战队的三号位Universe (宇宙哥)? - 知乎
2017年6月16日 · 客观的说,eg的成绩从14年稳定在世界一线,宇宙哥功不可没,目前位置他还是最顶级的三号位之一,给人安全感的eg暖男。 作为eg的下限的宇宙哥,让rtz尽情划水! 让苏猴子尽情凹操作! 一个队伍不看你在的时候多辉煌,就看你走了之后还厉害不? og没了奇迹哥还是og,eg没了宇宙哥的那段时间,没了声音。 Ti5冠军三号位 号称从不失误的三号位 但夺冠之后状态有所下滑 结合最近的Dac 震中杯 比赛中的失误也逐渐…
Universe - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
A veteran of the scene, Universe began his career in DotA: Allstars and transitioned into Dota 2 with NA veteran Fear and has spent most of his Dota 2 career as a player for EG. Signature heroes include Dark Seer, Faceless Void and Batrider.
EG_ Universe (@UniverseEg) / Twitter
2022年8月27日 · YueHua's family concert has been postponed and set for December 3 at Suzhou, China. We are currently awaiting confirmation of the final lineup and if #YIREN will be part of this activity. We will be updating when more clear information is available. #EVERGLOW @EVERGLOW_twt. jsr.
EG.Universe - Facebook
EG.Universe. 15,756 likes. Professional Dota 2 player for Evil Geniuses
our good of the company to be the top in the world as a manufacturer and exporter.
Universe - Overview - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
Friend Matches Win Rate; No recent matches with friends: AliasesSTEAM_0:1:43638173. Name Last Used; Universe: 2020-02-19: FWD.Universe: 2019-03-17
EG.Universe - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
League Hero Result Team Duration KDA Items; Won Match 2014-08-30
Evil Geniuses - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
2023年11月1日 · Evil Geniuses, often abbreviated as EG, is one of the oldest North American professional gaming organisations. Founded in 1999, EG is known to have highly successful players in every competitive game they feature and is considered by many to be one of the most premier gaming organisations that exist today.