yay - Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker (born September 9, 1998) is an American player who is currently playing for Evil Geniuses.
yay VALORANT Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
1998年9月9日 · Evil Geniuses yay settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Always updated for VALORANT, CS2.
「Evil Geniuses」にyay / icyが加入、2025年へ向けたロスターが …
2024年12月20日 · 北米のプロゲーミングチーム「Evil Geniuses」は12月21日、icy / yay選手の加入を発表しました。 In 2023, he helped us win a World Championship behind the scenes. This time, he's taking the main stage. We're welcoming back @icyJL! pic.twitter.com/XFwOzALRW1. No one saw this coming. El Diablo's home. Welcome to EG, @yay. pic.twitter.com/BgPsQprsqW.
eg yay - VLR.gg
2024年11月1日 · Yay’s arrival at EG sparked immediate changes. His disciplined playstyle and methodical approach blended seamlessly with EG’s aggressive tactics, giving the team a new edge. During practice scrims, yay worked tirelessly, not just honing his own skills but also pushing his teammates to elevate their gameplay.
Evil Geniusesにyay、icyが正式加入 - VALORANT4JP
2024年12月21日 · 北米を拠点に活動するeスポーツチームのEvil Geniusesは12月21日、VALORANT部門にyay、icyが加入したことを発表しました。 既存メンバーのDerrek、supamen、NaturEに加えた5人で2025年シーズンに挑戦します。
【EG yay】极致的预瞄典范 追赶22年曾经的自己 日落之城 暮蝶 无 …
yay作为22年搭配尚勃勒,具有统治力的现象级选手,在转会后泯然众人也是让人很惋惜。 如今加入EG,希望potter 教练能像培养大魔一样帮助他寻找回曾经的自己。
「EG vs LOUD」yay回归美洲时隔一年半再次选出尚博勒 dgzin次 …
【eg vs loud】新赛季yay重拾钱包操控天帝残躯!eg拼尽全力不敌loud迎来首败!![夜莲解说]allgame
【EG vs SEN】EG.Yay首秀!21杀维斯宣告视野尚未模糊!zekken …
yay加入EG参战SEN CITY杯赛,大C级发挥【瓦休赛期速报第40.2期】美洲赛区 VCT 休赛期比赛. 更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 34700、弹幕量 13、点赞数 327、投硬币枚数 21、收藏人数 34、转发人数 76, 视频作者 瓦赛事, 作者简介 个人自媒体无团队 如果喜欢的话可以点个关注 谢谢大家:)合作V:sshc233(备注来意),相关视频:yay神回来了! 一打三残局极限发挥啃 …
yay VALORANT Settings, Crosshair, Config - ProSettings
Professional Valorant player for team Evil Geniuses. yay - Valorant Settings, Mouse Sensitivity, Video Settings, Resolution, Graphics Settings, Crosshair Codes, Gaming Gear, Socials and …
eg yay - VLR.gg
2024年10月22日 · yay didn't have as much to prove as demon1. together with the rest of that roster, EG had everything to prove as all the odds were against them. however, if yay was in the roster, then EG wouldn't have had that drive because yay at the time was the most decorated player of all time