Ancient Egg: N102 (Rare Cat) - Battle Cats Wiki
Ancient Egg: N102 is a Rare Cat that can be obtained from the Catnip Challenges after completing 10 Behemoth Culling stages for the first time. It was added in Version 11.5. True Form overhauls stats, increases cost while gaining Behemoth Slayer and immunity to slow.
【情報】遠古的蛋系列簡介&評價(13.6準備中,缺舞獅貓) @貓咪 …
2024年9月8日 · 自 11.4 第一顆神秘的蛋引進後,超獸與遠古的蛋時代就此開始,很多蛋都改變了整個無課角的生態。 本篇會就每顆蛋的 獲取方式 、 更新版本 、 效果能力 、 所耗素材 來介紹,最後補上 個人評價 以及 推薦程度,看法偏個人主觀,可以看看 當作參考 就好。 1.編號開頭為 N00X ──為關卡掉落,其中N000是通過 真傳49-1 掉落,剩下的皆透過 女王的挖掘調查 系列獲取。 目前共有1+5顆。 2.編號開頭為 N10X ──為任務贈送,需通過 超獸討伐關卡 (甲普拉密林 …
Category:Ancient Eggs | Battle Cats Wiki | Fandom
Ancient Eggs with the identifier code of N2XX are obtained from special event gachas. The English names of Ancient Eggs N001 and N005 didn't have colons until Version 12.3. Ancient Egg: N002 is currently the only Ancient Egg number that is skipped over.
Ancient Egg%3A N102 | Battle Cats Wiki for Cat Stats - My …
Compare all cats from The Battle Cats with My Gamatoto. From ubers to crazed and more, check out all their stats including range, damage, and abilities. Find out which are the best cats today!
[Announcement] BCJP 11.5 is out! New Epicfest Exclusive, and
• All remaining cyclone stages, Kappy, Manic stages and Crazed Moneko added to catamin stages. • Adventurer Kanna's effective range changed. Gains the new "LD with different ranges" mechanism. • New missions that drops Ancient Egg N101 and Ancient Egg N102 • Ponos actually tries to fix their messy code • Multiple UL stages got nerfed
Catnip Challenges - The Battle Cats Wiki
2025年2月9日 · Catnip Challenges, Cat Missions (にゃんこミッション, Nyanko Misshon), or simply Missions, are a quest-type feature added in Version 6.2. Missions can be accessed from the Cat Base Menu at any time. There are 4 tabs of missions called Main (メイン), Weekly (ウィークリー), Monthly (マンスリー) and Special (スペシャル).
The Battle Cats - Ancient Egg N102 becomes Catarzan - YouTube
2022年5月8日 · Ancient Egg N102 and one of three Ancient EggsAncient Egg N001 is a Special Cat that can be unlocked when beating the final stage Archaeology 101: Analysis ...
Evolving Ancient Egg: N102 (Catarzan) [The Battle Cats]
2024年8月5日 · Evolving Ancient Egg: N102 into Catarzan
Ancient Egg: N102 (Rare Cat) - The Battle Cats Wiki
2025年2月25日 · Ancient Egg: N102 is a Rare Cat that can be obtained from the Catnip Challenges after completing 10 Behemoth Culling stages for the first time. It was added in Version 11.5. True Form overhauls stats, increases cost while gaining Behemoth Slayer and immunity to slow. Evolves into Teal Egg: N102 at level 10.
The Battle Cats | Unlocking Ancient Egg N101 & Ancient Egg N102…
The Battle Cats | Unlocking Ancient Egg N101 & Ancient Egg N102! [Also Evolving One]