Egg Rock Lighthouse, Maine at Lighthousefriends.com
Egg Rock Lighthouse sits at the mouth of Frenchman’s Bay, named for Samuel de Champlain, the French explorer who mapped and explored the area in 1604. As archaeological evidence has shown in the form of Native American artifacts and several hundred shell heaps, the area also served as the summer home for Wabanaki tribes.
Isle au Haut Lighthouse, Maine at Lighthousefriends.com
Isle au Haut Lighthouse, Maine Lighthouses, photographs, pictures, history, location, visitor information, maps, description, hotels, Lighthousefriends.com
Egg Rock Lighthouse, Massachusetts at Lighthousefriends.com
Egg Rock light outlived its usefulness, according to the opinion of the bureau heads, the numerous powerful lights now doing duty outside Boston harbor furnishing all the protection that Egg Rock requires.
Maine Lighthouses
Shaded boxes identify lighthouses where the historic structure has been completely or mostly destroyed.
Franklin Island Lighthouse, Maine at Lighthousefriends.com
The light indicates the entrance to the St. George’s river and several adjacent harbors formed by the numerous islands. It is believed, however, that if this light had been placed on one of the Egg rocks, lying about three miles exterior to it, much greater service would have been rendered to the navigation generally.
Petit Manan Lighthouse, Maine at Lighthousefriends.com
Today, Petit Manan Lighthouse, located on tiny Petit Manan Island between Narraguagus and Frenchman’s bays, is part of Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge. The island is closed from April 1 to August 31 for nesting season, although boat tours do provide views of the lighthouse and birds from the water during this time.
Nash Island Lighthouse, Maine at Lighthousefriends.com
Nash Island Lighthouse, Maine Lighthouses, photographs, pictures, history, location, visitor information, maps, description, hotels, Lighthousefriends.com
Goose Rocks Lighthouse, Maine at Lighthousefriends.com
Goose Rocks Lighthouse has been carefully restored and is now open for overnight visitors. Fox Islands Thoroughfare is a popular passage for sailboats, and the covered deck of the lighthouse is a prime spot for viewing the majestic windjammers out of Camden and Rockland. Keepers:
Mount Desert Rock Lighthouse, Maine at Lighthousefriends.com
Mount Desert Rock, as one of the exterior coast lights, is of great value to warn vessels of their approach to the shore or Maine, and should therefore be distinguished, by its intense brilliancy and peculiar character, from all others.
Matinicus Rock Lighthouse, Maine at Lighthousefriends.com
A third-order Fresnel lens from the Matinicus Rock Lighthouse is on display at the Maine Lighthouse Museum in Rockland. The lighthouse is owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Matinicus Rock is part of Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge.