Egged Car - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk Community
2007年10月2日 · Clear coat is unpigmented paint so what egg does to regular paint, it will do to clear coat. The amount of damage will depend on how well the car’s exterior was protected by wax. It’s probably to late for you, but the best thing to do when a car has been egged is first to rinse it off ASAP, then wipe it down with vinegar to neutralize the egg.
Egged car - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk Community
2009年1月23日 · While visiting a friend’s home one balmy Kansas evening last fall, my 2008 Mazda MX5 (Miata) was egged while the car was parked in the friend’s driveway. This wasn’t just a normal “egging,” because the rag top was down. I was able to clean the interior, but the rag top has white egg residue stains I have been unable to remove.
Car egging charges? - Automotive - Whirlpool Forums
2013年3月27日 · My car was egged couple of months ago. I didn't notice it for 2 days but then it was too late. The sun had already made fried eggs of it on my hood and can't take it off. Yes I've got no proof but only suspicions and found eggshells on my carspace so it was done there. I see these guys from my unit block hang out in their car space near mine.
Help! I have dried egg on my car - Car Talk Community
2007年10月16日 · Egged Car. Maintenance/Repairs. 2: 663: October 3, 2007 What is the best way to clean vomit from the ...
Detailed an extremely egged car! - Automotive - Whirlpool Forums
2011年9月26日 · I had my car egged, if the eggs are thrown hard enough the shell well chip the paint out down to the metal, full bonnet respray needed. My car was parked outside a friends house, the eggs came from the sidewalk, not the road. It's not ausie culture, a far as i know our culture is to not care what other people are doing, and live our own lives.
Raw Egg on Vehicle - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk Community
2007年10月1日 · Egged Car. Maintenance/Repairs. 2: 663: October 3, 2007 Raw egg in the radiator? Maintenance/Repairs. 10:
My car egged, again... - Automotive - Whirlpool Forums
2011年7月29日 · No more room in garage my 10yo car is parked in the street, not in front of house as that spot is directly opposite the driveway on the other side. I carefully choose a spot ~50m away where it's opposite a fence wall on one side (so shouldn't bother that houseowner) and no driveway the other side.
Car got egged and is now dried. How do I get ot of - Car servicing
2016年11月1日 · Only proper solution is to respray the door (and most likely the whole car to match). Yes, it's just a silly teenage prank, but one that can cost thousands of dollars to fix. User #277572 4704 posts
car getting egged - Automotive - Whirlpool Forums
2010年7月29日 · Well they were also in a car, probably one of the passengers found it funn egging cars on the opposite side of the road. Also i did not realise it was an egg until i stopped the car and clearly inspected it. Thanks for the suggestion guys, …
Car getting egged repeatedly - Automotive - Whirlpool Forums
2012年8月31日 · Camera wise, if you can do 2 cameras, get a few of the infrared ones from somehwere like Jaycar, mount one inside the car, 1 close by. if you can do 3, the fence either side showing car coming and going from both angles, and the car from the inside as the window opens and they do the dirty. B.