Electro Galvanized Steel (EGI) - Yieh
Electro galvanized steel (EGI) creates a durable product with anti-fingerprints and scratches. It has good corrosion resistance, processability, weldability, and paintability. Electro-galvanized steel coated in various thicknesses, painted on one or both sides, can extend the life of the steel and maintain room temperature.
电镀锌钢卷和板材|埃吉钢 - wzppgi.com
电镀锌钢是一种通过电镀工艺涂上锌以进行保护的钢材。 镀锌层应用于 冷轧钢 在低温下。 所以EG钢又称为冷镀锌钢。 通过电解镀锌,最终在钢材表面形成均匀致密的锌层,但仍保持材料的机械性能。 电镀锌钢通常以卷材或板材形式出售。 EG卷材是一种可剪切、纵切、异型加工以用于其他用途的材料。 卷材重量通常为3吨至8吨。 而EG片材是一种成品或半成品。 您可以直接使用它,也可以进一步加工以用于其他用途。 以下是包装细节。 电镀锌钢的钢号由母材牌号、电镀 …
EGI Electro Galvanized Steel Suppliers - Huaxiao Metal
Electro-galvanized steel, often abbreviated as EG or EGI, is a type of steel that has undergone a special electroplating process to provide it with a protective layer of zinc. This process is similar to hot-dip galvanizing but uses electricity to deposit a thinner layer of zinc onto the steel surface.
EGI - 莲山钢铁 (株)
egi Electronic Galvanized Iron Steel 以冷轧钢板为材料,经过电镀处理以增强耐蚀性及涂装性,表面质量优良,主要用于汽车内外板材、家电及办公设备等。
Honeywell’s EGIs are integrated with beam forming anti-jam systems that provide superior protection compared to legacy nulling systems in GPS challenged environments. We also provide a robust civil certifiability to DO-178C and DO-254 enabling much easier certification at the aircraft level for features such as ADS-B, RNP/RNAV, WAAS, and more.
egi是什么材料? - 百度知道
2009年10月11日 · EGI 钢板(EGI Sheet),中文就是东部制钢电镀锌钢板,韩国产的,生产规格为0.2-1.2mm*750-1300mm。 从2007年5月开始,东部制钢着力生产符合RoHS标准的环保耐指纹电镀锌钢板(不含磷酸盐)。
Electro Galvanized Steel Coil & Sheet | EGI Steel - wzppgi.com
Electro galvanized steel is a type of steel that is coated with zinc for protection through the electroplating process. The zinc coating is applied to the cold-rolled steel at a low temperature. So EG steel is also known as cold galvanized steel.
烦请高手解答钢板镀层方面的GI,GA,EGI概念及区别,谢谢!_百度 …
2024年6月29日 · Electro-Galvanized Steel (EG):电镀锌钢板,利用电化学原理在钢板表面沉积一层锌。 这种镀层较薄,主要用于要求表面光洁度和涂层附着力较高的应用,如汽车工业和家用电器。 以上三种镀层钢板的主要区别在于镀层材料、厚度、生产工艺及其应用领域。 烦请高手解答钢板镀层方面的GI,GA,EGI概念及区别,谢谢! 1. Zinc-Fe Alloy Sheet or galvannealed sheet (GA):锌铁合金合金化热浸镀锌钢板,也称为galvannealed sheet,其表面由锌和铁合金组 …
EGI 钢板是什么样的钢板 中文怎么说? - 百度知道
2008年9月11日 · EGI 钢板(EGI Sheet),中文就是东部制钢电镀锌钢板,韩国产的,生产规格为0.2-1.2mm*750-1300mm。 从2007年5月开始,东部制钢着力生产符合RoHS标准的环保耐指纹电镀锌钢板(不含磷酸盐)。
EGI (Electro Galvanized Iron) Steel Plate - Sinil Steel
This product is made by electroplating zinc on a cold-rolled coil. It has an improved corrosion resistance. The zinc plating amount is smaller than the GI, but the thickness of the plating layer is uniform and the surface is even smoother. Since it was plated in a lower temperature, the mechanical properties of the cold-rolled coil is maintained.
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