Egosurfing - Wikipedia
Image showing Egosurfing. Egosurfing (also vanity searching, egosearching, egogoogling, autogoogling, self-googling) is the practice of searching for one's own name, or pseudonym on a popular search engine in order to review the results. [1] Similarly, an egosurfer is one who surfs the Internet for their own name to see what information appears. It has become increasingly popular with the rise ...
自我搜尋 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
自我搜尋(Egosurfing)(亦稱為自我漫遊、虛榮檢索、自我檢索、自我google、google自己)是指在網際網路、媒體、論文中搜尋自己的本名、筆名、代稱。 越來越多人喜歡在諸如Google的熱門搜索引擎上檢索自己的網誌與網站。 多數人一起搜尋時偶而會以像是Googlefight的第三方工具來 …
egosurf - 百度百科
egosurf,即ego(自我·本我·心理学术语)+ surf(网络冲浪), 根据 Eric S. Raymond 的《黑客大辞典》中的定义:To search the net for your name or links to your web pages(在网络上搜索自己的名字或者自己Web页面的链接). Perhaps connected to long-established SF-fan slang egoscan, to search for one's name in a fanzine。
What Does Ego Surfing Mean? – Meaning, Uses and More
2023年9月20日 · The term ego surfing is slang for searching the internet to find information about oneself. It is commonly done to discover what others are saying about you online. Ego surfing is not an acronym or an abbreviation for anything; instead, it is a playful term that combines the phrase “surfing the web” with the concept of boosting one’s ego.
EGOSURFING | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
EGOSURFING meaning: 1. searching for your own name on the internet 2. searching for your own name on the internet. Learn more.
Ego Surfing: Searching Your Name for Online Reputation …
2018年8月21日 · “Ego surfing” is the somewhat misleading term for searching your own name or the name of your organization online. In the digital age, searching your name on Google and Bing is an essential defensive practice. And it goes well beyond propping up an individual’s ego. While you personally may not place much importance on the results ...
2006年1月21日 · 最早了解这个词是从车东(怎么又是这个家伙:)的 ego Surfing = ego + Surfing. Blogger 进行 egosurf 的应该不少(虽然很多人可能没意识到), 其实如果把一个站点看作一个互联网实体,也是应该进行 egosurf 的. 因为通过这个行为能够做到以下几点: 1. 更好的了解自己的站点信息 ...
What is Ego-Surfing? - Webopedia
2021年5月24日 · Ego-surfing refers to the act of using search engines to seek references to one’s own website, or to view webpages that mention your own name (or company name). It is believed the term ego surfing was derived from the egosurf.com Web site that accommodated ego surfing. However, the website no longer exists as its original composition. The phrase ego surf is also written as ego-surf.
3 thoughts on “ 什么是 egosurf - dbanotes.net
2006年1月21日 · 最近好多人尝试了 egosurf.org 这个站点提供的服务:egosurf . 什么是 egosurf ? 这个词拆开来是 ego(自我.本我.心理学术语)+ surf(网络冲浪). 根据 Eric S. Raymond 的《黑客大辞典》中的定义: To search the net for your name or links to your web pages(在网络上搜索自己的名字或者自己Web页面的链接). Perhaps connected to long ...
Egosurfing: Exploring the Phenomenon of “Vanity Searching”
2024年5月23日 · The term “egosurfing” combines the word “ego” with “surfing,” describing the act of browsing the web in search of personal mentions. Whether out of curiosity, vanity, or concern for reputation, many people perform these searches to know what information about them is publicly available. Motivations Behind Egosurfing. 1.
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