Egon Zill - Wikipedia
Egon Gustav Adolf Zill (28 March 1906 in Plauen – 23 October 1974 in Munich) was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) Sturmbannführer and concentration camp commandant. Zill was born in Plauen. [1]
Egon Zill (1906 — October 23, 1974) | World Biographical …
Egon Gustav Adolf Zill was a German Schutzstaffel Sturmbannführer and concentration camp commandant. The son of a brewer from Plauen, Zill"s father was severely injured in the First World War and as such Zill was apprenticed to a baker at an early age in order to bring in much needed money to the family.
SS Personnel | KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg
Born in Plauen, Egon Zill apprenticed in the baking trades after completing the eighth grade at the public elementary school. He joined the Nazi Party and the SA at age 17. In 1926, Zill joined Saxony’s first SS unit. He worked as an assistant in several companies, and then became a …
Egon Zill - Military Wiki | Fandom
Egon Zill (born 28 March 1906 in Plauen - died 23 October 1974 in Dachau) was a German Schutzstaffel Sturmbannführer and concentration camp commandant. The son of a brewer from Plauen, Zill's father was severely injured in the First World War and as such Zill was apprenticed to a baker at an...
About: Egon Zill - DBpedia Association
Egon Gustav Adolf Zill (28 March 1906 in Plauen – 23 October 1974 in Dachau) was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) Sturmbannführer and concentration camp commandant. Zill was born in Plauen. The son of a brewer from Plauen, Zill's father was severely injured in the First World War and as such Zill was apprenticed to a baker at an early age in ...
Commandants of the Dachau concentration camp & photo of …
Egon Zill became one of the most sadistic commandants in the history of concentration camps. Not only did he devise new and organized methods of torture for the unfortunate prisoners, he took joy in taking part in the punishment personally, or else watching from the sidelines as the prisoners died at the hands of equally sadistic guards.
Zill, Egon - Deutsche Biographie
Zill, Egon; Biographical Dictionaries * Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank [1996-] Archival Sources Personendaten-Repositorium der BBAW [2007-2014] Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz 1848-1975 [2019] Literature Bibliothek des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte München - …
SS-Morde nahe Dachau: "Morgen haben wir Schützenfest"
2020年7月8日 · Egon Zill aus Plauen war 35, Schutzhaftlagerführer im Konzentrationslager Dachau, und stolz auf seine Rolle beim Massenmord an sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen. Auch SS-Oberscharführer Sebastian...
Egon Zill – Wikipedia
Egon Gustav Adolf Zill (* 28. März 1906 in Plauen; † 23. Oktober 1974 in München [1]) war SS-Sturmbannführer und Kommandant verschiedener Konzentrationslager. Der Sohn eines Brauereiarbeiters absolvierte nach achtjährigem Volksschulbesuch eine Bäckerlehre, die er mit der Gesellenprüfung 1923 abschloss.
Zill Egon Gustav Adolf - tenhumbergreinhard.de
Nach den Aussagen von Insassen umfasste Zills Verbrechen das Binden von Gefangenen an Bäume, bevor seine Hunde ihre Genitalien verwüsten konnten. Zill wurde im April 1943 von Max Kögel ersetzt, nachdem er als Kommandant für unwirksam befunden worden war.