EEX Financial Gas Futures
EGSI - the N°1 benchmark for Natural Gas in Europe. The European Gas Spot Index (EGSI) is determined on the basis of the trades executed on all EEX natural gas markets in Europe. More specifically, the EGSI is calculated as a volume-weighted average price, based on all Day-Ahead transactions of the day (8.00 am to 6.00 pm CET).
Trading Gas Spot and Derivatives at EEX
Since 28 th June, EEX has expanded its product range on the Derivatives Market with the new Financial Gas Futures. These new contracts are listed on the Dutch (TTF), Austrian (CEGH) and German (THE) market areas and cash-settled against the European Gas Spot Index (EGSI), the most robust and transparent pricing reference in the European gas market.
Die European Energy Exchange (EEX) hat erfolgreich neue finanziell abgerechnete Erdgasfutures eingeführt, die gegen den European Gas Spot Index (EGSI) abgerechnet werden. Gestartet am 28. Juni verzeichnete die EEX ein großes Interesse sowohl von Teilnehmern aus dem traditionellen Gashandel als auch aus dem Finanzbereich.
EEX European Gas Spot Index – EGSI (ExcelTool, RT)
This product provides you with access to real-time index prices for EEX European Gas Spot Index – EGSI. Use dynamic charts/ graphs and tables with real-time streaming and historical prices as well as option analytics.
Global Exchanges
The new contracts will be listed on the Dutch (TTF), Austrian (CEGH) and German (NCG – to be replaced by THE in October 2021) market areas and settled against the European Gas Spot Index (EGSI), the most credible and transparent gas price index in Europe.
EEX Customer Information - Revised EEX EGSI Methodology
EEX AG is improving the methodology for the European Gas Spot Index (EEX EGSI). From 30 December 2022, all EGSIs will be calculated according to the revised methodology.
From this position, EEX has been able to provide its customers and the market with a robust and reliable price index: the EGSI (European Gas Spot Index). The new EGSI Financial Gas Futures will result in a closer alignment between the Spot and Futures markets, giving customers the opportunity to trade on a more liquid market.
Gas Market Transparency - European Energy Exchange (EEX)
EEX provides Europe’s most transparent and trustworthy natural gas reference prices with our natural gas spot market indices. They are based on thousands of on-screen exchange trades from more than 200 active market participants, making them robust, transparent, and reliable.
EEX Press Release – EEX successfully launches new ... - EEX Group
2021年1月7日 · The EGSI Financial Gas Futures are listed on the Dutch (TTF), Austrian (CEGH) and German (NCG – which will be replaced by THE in October 2021) market areas, where EEX is the leading venue for gas spot trading, holding a market share …
EEX to launch cash-settled gas futures on European index
The European Energy Exchange (EEX) plans to launch cash-settled gas futures on its European Gas Spot Index (EGSI) as well as associated spark spreads - power generation margins for gas burning -...