Canadian Raising: Nobody says “Aboot” - Dialect Blog
2011年3月20日 · A point of clarification: Canadians do not say aboot. Canadian English features something called Canadian Raising, which basically means that the diphthong in “now” is raised before t, s or other voiceless consonants (i.e. before …
听说记住这几个梗,就能跟所有加拿大人聊天了… - 知乎
有人说在加拿大记住这三个梗就可以和所有加拿大人聊天了: Eh? Aboot and Sorry . 加拿大人也说英语,但有时候对方一开口我们就能分辨出ta是来自美国还是加拿大,今天索引留学小编要介绍的就是这款装逼利器,如何说话能假装自己是加拿大人,虽然肤色对不上号但至少也是 CBC 吧? 留学生普遍适用,赶紧get起来勤加练习,指着这份技能可以忽悠不少人呢! 举例:“ Toronto is a really nice city, eh.” 举例:“She was sent to hospital due to twerking-related injuries.” How’s …
What’s Going On With the Way Canadians Say ‘About’?
2016年6月1日 · The new hot prime minister? Is that it? But everyone knows what Canadians are supposed to sound like: they are a people who pronounce “about” as “aboot” and add “eh” to the ends of ...
The Debunker: Do Canadians Say "Oot" and "Aboot"? - Woot
2017年7月5日 · Do Canadians Say "Oot" and "Aboot"? The most common stereotype of Canadian English to American ears, after the omnipresent "eh?", is the idea that Canadians pronounce "out" and "about" with a long 'u' sound.
Why Do Canadians Say ‘Eh’? - Atlas Obscura
2017年1月10日 · There are a few major ways a Canadian could use “eh.” The first is while stating an opinion: “It’s a nice day, eh?” Another would be as an exclamation tag, which is added to a sentence in order...
Do Canadians really say “Aboot”? | Voice to Word Consulting
2014年12月3日 · A point of clarification: Canadians do not say aboot. Canadian English features something called Canadian Raising, which basically means that the diphthong in “now” is raised before t, s or other voiceless consonants (i.e. before words like about and house).
如何区分美国人和加拿大人?_eh_or_About - 搜狐
2022年4月28日 · 加拿大式英语最大的特点就是单词里"ou"的发音,你比方说out、about、house,你可能会听到"oat"、"aboat"、"hose"...美国人就特别热衷于吐槽加拿大的这一点,SouthPark更是把这个梗用得666。 有时候听到美国学加拿大人把"about"说成"aboot",但实际也没有这么夸张。 Niceweathertoday,eh? 加拿大式英语里"eh"的地位也是不能撼动的,放在句尾声调上扬,一般是闲聊时候用的比较多。 在加拿大你经常能听到这样的对话. …
oot & aboot - Sesquiotica
2010年7月2日 · Canadians who have ever encountered American perceptions of Canadian speech will be familiar with the idea that Canadians say, for instance, “oot” and “aboot” instead of “out” and “about”. What’s up with that, eh? I mean, really. Canadians can hear each other perfectly well and have no problem telling whether someone is saying mouse or moose.
""oot and aboot""是什麼意思? - 關於英語 (美國)(英文)的問題
"oot and aboot"的意思 (Oot and aboot is not correct) Out and about means that someone is somewhere else doing something (something that is active) The Canadians are out and about = The Canadians are somewhere else doing something active
aboot ready yet eh? aboot什么意思 - 百度知道
2014年12月4日 · 这里用aboot是为了区分美国和加拿大人,并且有略微的嘲笑加拿大口语。 很多美国人错误的认为加拿大人有一些很好笑的口音,包括aboot。 句后加eh? 也是典型的加拿大说法. aboot ready yet eh? aboot什么意思应该是about。 翻译为: 差不多快好了吧? 这里用aboot是为了区分美国和加拿大人,并且有略微的嘲笑加拿大口语。 很多美国人错误的认为加拿大人有一些很好笑的口音,包括aboot。 句后加.
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