Healthy Environments - Florida Department of Health
WIC provides the following at no cost: healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding support, and referrals for health care. The Florida Department of Health works to prevent disease of environmental origin.
Environmental Public Health Preparedness - Florida Department of Health
During emergencies, we provide guidance to both incident command and county health departments regarding possible human health risks from environmental components. We can also provide information to the county health departments for responses that involve accidental spills, waste disposal, and water contamination.
FDOH EH Water Well Surveillance - Florida Department of Health
FDOH EH Water Well Surveillance
PACE-EH - Florida Department of Health
Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE-EH) is a community involvement tool to guide local health officials in conducting community-based environmental health assessments. The PACE-EH process is a valuable tool for communities that want to improve their environmental health.
Pay your fees and print your permit online. The benefits include: Save time. Paying your bill online is faster than mailing a check or hand delivering payment. No signup cost. Safe and secure system. You can pay with your credit card or e-check. You don't need paper checks, envelopes and stamps to pay for your permit. Already have an account?
Environmental Public Health Services - Florida Department of Health
Environmental Public Health programs are an essential part of Florida’s public health system. Through public education, routine inspections, investigation of complaints and enforcement of laws relating to safety and sanitation, your EPHS staff help to make your neighborhood and community a healthier place to live.
Environmental Public Health Home - Florida Department of Health
DOH-Sarasota's Environmental Public Health division protects health in the community by: Promoting healthy living spaces that encourage people to live healthier lives. We offer many environmental public health services. Use the links at left to get more information about specific services and programs. Questions?
Certified Environmental Health Professional - Florida Department of Health
Florida law requires that anyone working in the primary program areas of the Food Protection or Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS) Programs must be a certified environmental health professional (CEHP), per section 381.0101, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 64E-18, Florida Administrative Code.
Environmental Public Health and Engineering
Environmental health professionals work to prevent disease and create environments that promote well-being, fostering healthy, and safe communities by ensuring the safety of what we eat, breathe, touch, and drink.
Will my credit card and/or e-check be protected? How secure is the MyFloridaEHPermit.com? What are my payment options online? Will I be charged a fee for paying online? What is an e …