Electro-Harmonix EL34 Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)
The new Electro-Harmonix EL34EH vacuum tube is extremely musical, with a sound that is rich, smooth, and highly detailed without being edgy. It is the perfect EL34 power tube for vintage …
EL34 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
2024年10月7日 · EL34为1954年PHiLPS开发的声频用高效率、高功率灵敏度八脚五极功率电子管,美国同类管是6CA7。 EL34是欧洲系著名功率管,声音清丽,功率较大而体积较小,使用非 …
12款el34之比较 - Tubebbs
2011年5月25日 · EL34大概是发生最多冒印的真空管之一,最常被冒的就是Mullard,印象较深的,有用Tesla「双圈」胆冒Mullard「双圈」,因为两者都是深啡色座,不过「圈」的装工并不 …
HIFIDIY论坛-转载:10款EL34之比较 - Powered by Discuz!
2009年8月24日 · 曙光生产的 el34 有 el34a和 el34-b 两种管形,el34a 是采用控制栅和加速极(g1. g2)不对栅结构,属于五极管。el34-b是g1.g2准确对栅。属束射四极管。el34a 的板耗为 …
2023年1月8日 · 总结:曙光el34m和飞利浦el34特性几乎一致,可以作为原产于欧洲的el34的替用管。 曙光6CA7和GE 6CA7并不一样,和EL34也不一样,但和金狮KT77很相近,可认为是金 …
Electro-Harmonix EL34 EH Power Vacuum Tube - TubeDepot.com
The Electro Harmonix EL34EH is one of the most musical EL34 available today. It is the perfect replacement for older guitar amps & modern Hi-Fi amps.
Electro-Harmonix EL34 Power Tube | EL34EH | Electro-Harmonix
Superior "Black base" high-voltage power pentode. Perfect EL34 for vintage equipment and for improved performance of modern amps. Extremely musical and predictable, with a sound that …
Vacuum tube EL34EH, EL34WXT is a output pentod in the glass bulb, with equipotential cathode, designed to amplify low frequency power in the output stages of HI - FI audio. Filament …
Vacuum Tube - EL34, Electro-Harmonix | Antique Electronic …
Superior "Black base" high-voltage power pentode. Most common power pentode found in British amplifiers such as Marshall, Hiwatt, Laney, and Sound City. The EL34EH defines the classic …
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Platinum Matched Power Tube - Electro-Harmonix EL34
Superior "Black base" high-voltage power pentode. Perfect EL34 for vintage equipment and for improved performance of modern amps. Extremely musical and predictable, with a sound that …