TEMPLATE: We have created a (e)poster template for you to use. You can download it here. Below the steps to upload your poster will be explained. Please note that it is important that the narration is recorded/uploaded before you upload your PDF file. Otherwise, the narration of your poster will not work.
EHA2024 Hybrid Congress - The European Hematology Association (EHA)
Thank you all for joining us in Madrid for the 29th European Hematology Association Congress! The EHA2024 Congress platform is now closed. You may browse selected content through the EHA Library, EHA Open access library. Take a look back at EHA2024 with a breakdown by Scientific Program Committee Chair Brian Huntly and our closing video:
EHA Library - The official digital education library of European ...
Presentation during EHA2022: All (e)Poster presentations will be made available as of Friday, June 10, 2022 (09:00 CEST) and will be accessible for on-demand viewing until Monday, …
Here you will find all tips, tricks and templates to create a poster. Please do not forget to tick the box for free printing and delivery to the congress center in Stockholm or arrange your own printed poster.
EHA Library - The official digital education library of European ...
Browse the open-source material from EHA past Congresses and meetings. Access educational materials, eLearning activities, accredited Live webinar sessions with polls and chat on this fast Digital Library and Hybrid Virtual Event Platform powered by MULTILEARNING LMS.
EHA 2024:血液系统肿瘤重点研究摘要速览! - MedSci
2024年5月21日 · 2024年欧洲血液学协会(EHA)年会将于中欧夏令时6月13日至16日在西班牙马德里召开,届时将汇集全球专家学者,共同讨论血液学领域前沿诊疗技术和临床实践成果。 目前EHA官网在线公布了部分入选研究的摘要信息(最新突破性摘要 [LBA]、全体会议摘要、即将在2024 ASCO年会上发布的摘要暂未公布),小编第一时间整理了血液系统肿瘤药物治疗重点研究,包括的报告类型有:口头汇报(Oral,S)、壁报(Poster,P),以飨读者。 题目:来自 …
2024年6月25日 · 据统计,2024 EHA与会人数2万余人,在来自世界各国6000余篇的投稿中约有2000余篇(e)Poster展示,此次中国专家共有311篇(e)Poster入围,其中多发性骨髓瘤方面共33篇(e)Poster,崔兴团队共有5篇多发性骨髓瘤的(e)Poster,在国内骨髓瘤研究领域居于最 …
不在場,如何讓讀者懂?Poster & e-Poster! | 醫學簡報與電子壁 …
壁報設計:直接上臺壓力太大,從 Poster 和 e-Poster 開始也沒問題。重點一次教給你。 大量案例:有了基礎能力後,用各位的簡報修改作為示範,看過各種案例,應用更有餘裕! 講評時間:匿名鼓勵與講評,沒有壓力又能學習,並且頒獎給做最好的兩位同學。
EHA - Multisubmission - The European Hematology Association (EHA)
Add self-record narrations for each section of your ePoster. Click to view a Demo or view a Video Tutorial. Create a new password? Forgot password?
Congress Materials - European Hematology Association (EHA 2024)
2024 European Hematology Association | Jun 13-16 | Madrid, Spain. This section includes selected Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine abstracts, posters, or oral presentations, which have been accepted for congress presentations in the last 2 years or less (as determined by any congress restrictions on length of time materials can be posted).
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