EHang | UAM - Passenger Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV)
Ehang AAV is the world's first electric passenger-grade autonomous aerial vehicle, providing safe, eco-friendly, and smart Urban Air Mobility (UAM) solution for mankind's future life, including …
EHang | EHang Launches First-Ever Autonomous Aerial Vehicle …
January 6, 2016, LAS VEGAS - EHang, unveiled today at CES the EHang 184, the world’s first electric, personal Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) that will achieve humanity's long-standing …
First Test Footage Revealed of EHANG 184 Manned Passenger Drone
EHANG, a global leader in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies, has unveiled footage of the latest test flights of their self-flying passenger aircraft or Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV). …
Progress Updates of EHang 184 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle
We have designed and upgraded three versions of the EHang 184 propeller. The first-generation propeller mainly meets the requirement of flight test in early flight. In the second generation, its …
EHang | 亿航184为美国领先器官移植生物科技企业打造创新无人机 …
此次亿航184和美国领先生物科技领域的强强联合,将革命性地改变美国现有的器官移植运输方式,从而有望拯救数以万计的生命。 Lung Biotechnology专注于通过各种先进的科技手段,包括 …
亿航智能 EHang | 城市空中交通 - 载人级自动驾驶飞行器 (AAV)
亿航(nasdaq: eh)aav是全球首款纯电动载人级自动驾驶飞行器 ,为人类未来提供安全,环保,智能的城市空中交通(uam)解决方案。秉承了三大设计理念:全备份安全性设计,自动驾驶,智 …
EHang | EHang184 AAV Manned Flight Tests
On February 6, EHang announced that the EHang 184 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle has achieved a series of manned flight tests carrying one and two passengers, including EHang CEO and all …
EHang | Flight Tests of EHang 184 AAV at Guangzhou in 2017
EHang 184, the world’s first Autonomous Aerial Vehicle, inspires a new era of 3D air transport. As we all know, a journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.
EHang | 亿航公开“亿航184”技术研发和试飞测试阶段性进展
我们针对亿航184的螺旋桨前后一共自主设计并迭代了3个版本, 第一代螺旋桨主要是满足了亿航184早期时候的飞行测试需求,在第二代的时候其性能进一步提升,单支桨可以提供的最大拉 …
EHang | 亿航184宣布首度商业化
首个自动驾驶无人机“亿航184”在今年1月CES上大放异彩,半年后的5月5日,亿航宣布与美国领先的生物科技公司LungB iotechnology达成合作协议。