Ehlonna - Great Library of Greyhawk
Ehlonna is the goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora, Fauna, and Fertility. She is known to elves as Ehlenestra. Her holy symbol is a rampant unicorn or a unicorn's horn. Ehlonna is variously depicted as an elven or human woman, and often associates with …
Ehlonna - Greyhawk Wiki
2013年2月16日 · Ehlonna is the goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora, Fauna, and Fertility. Ehlonna is known to the elves as "Ehlenestra." Her holy symbol is a rampant unicorn or a unicorn's horn. Ehlonna is variously depicted as an elven or human woman, and often associates with unicorns and other sylvan creatures.
Canon:Ehlonna - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and in the default pantheon of deities, Ehlonna is the goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora, Fauna, and Fertility. Ehlonna is known to the elves as "Ehlenestra". Ehlonna is variously depicted as an elven or human woman, and often associates with unicorns and other sylvan creatures.
Ehlonna, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Ehlonna is the patron of all good-aligned folk who love the forests. She is worshipped by hunters, trappers, foresters, rangers, woodcutters, and more. Brownies, elves, gnomes, and halflings are especially attuned to Ehlonna of the Forests, and will willingly aid her.
DnDWiki:Ehlonna | Dungeons and Dragons Wiki | Fandom
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and in the default pantheon of deities, Ehlonna is the goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora, Fauna, and Fertility. Ehlonna is known to the elves as "Ehlenestra". Ehlonna is variously depicted as an elven or human woman, and often associates with unicorns and other sylvan creatures.
Ehlonna (3.5e Deity) - D&D Wiki
2024年5月25日 · Ehlonna is the patron of all good-aligned folk who love the forests. She is worshipped by hunters, trappers, foresters, rangers, woodcutters, and more. Brownies, elves, gnomes, and halflings are especially attuned to Ehlonna of the Forests, and will willingly aid her.
艾罗娜的箭袋丨Quiver of Ehlonna - 龙与地下城TRPG - 灰机wiki
这个箭袋有三个口袋,每一个都连接着一个异次元空间。 无论其中存放了多少东西,箭袋的重量永远不会超过2磅。 三个口袋中最小的可以容纳60支箭,弩矢或类似的物件;中等大小的口袋可以容纳18支标枪或类似物件;最大的口袋可以容纳六件长条型物件(比如弓、法杖、矛等)。 你可以像从普通箭袋或剑鞘中取出物品一样从艾罗娜箭袋中拿取物品。 Dungeons & Dragons,D&D,龙与地下城及相关Logo均为 Wizards of the Coast LLC 的注册商标。 本维基由用户自行创建、维 …
DND核心神系:森之女神艾罗娜(Ehlonna) - 百度文库
DND核心神系:森之女神艾罗娜(Ehlonna) 化身 艾罗娜的化身在外形上如艾罗娜的本体一般,是变化多端的。 她派遣她的化身们去监视林地的安全,并去阻止任何试图劫掠或 骚扰森林及森林住民的人。
Ehlonna – Deities – D&D Tools - Ark Alseif
Ehlonna (eh-loan-nuh) sometimes appears as a raven-haired human and sometimes as an elf with golden tresses. Her garb varies, ranging from the serviceable clothing of a forester or ranger to the delicate gown of an elven princess, but it is always pale green.
艾罗娜 - 百度百科
艾罗娜,游戏《龙与地下城》及其衍生作品中的角色,是一位黑发的人类女子或是一位金发的精灵女性,中等神力。 传说所描述的艾罗娜,一般的形象是一位黑发的人类女子或是一位金发的精灵女性。 至于她的穿着,传说就更多了,从耐用的游侠或者护林人的登山服,到精细的精灵公主才会穿的袍子,记录上不胜枚举,不过,不论衣服样式如何,他们总是浅绿色的。 艾罗娜关注着所有住在森林之中,热爱森林或者在森林中谋生的善良人。 神职:森林,林地,花与动物,生育. 信 …