(4) Ei EL84/6BQ5 NOS tubes - Reverb
(3) NOS Ei EL84/6BQ5 + (1) EL84EG (Elite Gold) vacuum tube. Made in the old Yugoslavia plant on Telefunken equipment these are pre-1992 and highly regarded. Rumor has it that the factory where these tubes were manufactured was destroyed during the Bosnia wars.
Anyone using Ei brand EL84's in thier 18 watt? - 18Watt.com
2004年1月19日 · I just picked up a set of Ei EL84's, the one with the shiny nickel plates, as well as a few of thier 12ax7's for my 18 watt clone. I've been looking to evaluate current production tubes for a few builds where NOS is just to costly.
EL 84, Tube EL84; Röhre EL 84 ID412, Vacuum Pentode
The very successful EL84 is the last development step from EL3 via EL41 to the final point of radio output pentodes. It's dissipation power was increased from 9 to 12 watts, giving an output power of 5.7 watts, which was seldom utilized.
HIFIDIY论坛-【EL84和它的朋友们】12种管子大比拼 - Powered by …
2023年11月19日 · 这次准备再做个【EL84和它的朋友们】专题,搜集对比几种EL84和它的一些同参数或者相近参数的管子,一则品味经典的声音,再则希望能从冷门管中挖掘一些惊喜。 说起经典名管,最广为人知的无非EL84、6V6、6L6、EL34、KT系列,以及2A3、300B。 作为电子管爱好者,自然有一个小小的梦想就是把这些经典都把玩一遍,寻找最适合自己的声音。 非常遗憾的是,玩过这些型号的国产管之后,总觉得差强人意,有点盛名之下其实难符的味道。 (相对来 …
2021年7月17日 · 曙光、贵族之声之类是沿袭6p14设计工艺,而el84是另一种设计工艺,尺寸粗细亦不相同,只能讲两种型号相似可互换,并不是同型号的。 至于声音差异用自己耳朵收货。
Vintage Mullard EL84 England 1973/Vintage Ei EL84 Made in
1973 Phillips Mullard EL84/6BQ5 from the Blackburn Plant in Great Britain. The Batch Code is B3G2 which dates to 1973. Vintage 1960's Ei EL84 Made in Yugoslavi KM4. These tubes are closely matched and show very strong in NOS range on my Eico Tube Tester. They have been tested as a pair and s...
Matched Pair 1965 EI / Philips kM4 EL84 Tubes *TEST STRONG
Selling a matched pair of vintage 1965 EI / Philips tubes. These have grey plates and halo getters. Hammond rebrands with minor print wear but the original manufacturer codes are clear still - the EI dot in circle followed by 5K and 5L (November & …
EL84 EI Yugoslavia 6BQ5 | TUBES.RS | The finest NOS tubes
EL84 EI Yugoslavia Output Pentode ( 6BQ5) from 80s Without boxes, but tubes and printing on tubes are perfect! I’ve seen these tubes under a lot of various logos like Siemens, Philips . . .
el84 | TUBES.RS | The finest NOS tubes & Tube amps
EL84 EI Yugoslavia Output Pentode ( 6BQ5) from 90s (Silver plate version) Without boxes, but tubes and printing on tubes are perfect! Identical construction like gray plates, but this version…
Ei Premium Vacuum Tubes - SRS-Webstore
These are simply awesome sounding tubes which are the premium choice of most musicians using EL84 based amplifiers today. These wonderful Yugoslavian tubes are well-known and sought after for their sweet tone in Vox amplifiers, and can be quite hard to find, so get 'em while the gettin' is good!