Eickhoff is a global operating family owned company rooted in Bochum, Germany since its founding back in 1864. Our core business: We manufacture machines and gearboxes which have proven themselves worldwide under extreme conditions:
Eickhoff Group | Eickhoff
Eickhoff is a global operating family owned company rooted in Bochum, Germany since its founding back in 1864. Our core business: We manufacture machines and gearboxes which have proven themselves worldwide under extreme conditions:
Mining Technology | Eickhoff
Eickhoff underground mining machines are known for their robust and reliable design and excel by their quality in day-to-day operation. They are more powerful, offer higher availability rates and have a significantly longer life than competing products.
Mining Technology | Eickhoff
Whether at one of the world‘s most productive mines on the southern hemisphere, whether in the cold winters in the Russian region of Workuta or whether with the worldwide biggest shearer loader in Inner Mongolia – Eickhoff mining machines are at the forefront.
Continuous Miners | Eickhoff
In order to ensure all-time reliable and cost-effective underground production, roof bolters and drillers, hydraulic and electrical traction systems as well as leading-edge control concepts are among the many advantages of the Eickhoff continuous miners – convincing machines with unstoppable power.
Eickhoff ist ein global tätiges Familienunternehmen, das seit seiner Gründung 1864 in Bochum verwurzelt ist. Unser Kerngeschäft: Wir stellen Maschinen und Getriebe her, die sich weltweit unter extremen Bedingungen bewähren müssen:
艾柯夫集团 | Eickhoff
Eine Ausbildung bei Eickhoff eröffnet starke Perspektiven für junge Menschen. Ein erster Schritt ist oft ein Praktikum.
Mining Gearboxes | Eickhoff
Whether in the icy heights of the numerous offshore wind turbines or under the tropical conditions in 1000 m deep underground mines - Eickhoff gearboxes steadily operate with high precision and are capable of withstanding extreme loads.
艾柯夫采矿技术 | Eickhoff
艾柯夫SL 300采煤机 艾柯夫SL 500采煤机 艾柯夫SL 750采煤机 艾柯夫SL 900 采煤机 艾柯夫SL 1000 采煤机 连续采煤机 服务 艾柯夫国际 艾柯夫采矿技术 Bergbau Getriebe Eickhoff Drive Technology Wind Power Services Heavy Industry Drive Solutions Wind gearboxes Contact Fairs & Events History Downloads ...
Wind gearboxes | Eickhoff
Wind Power Services Heavy Industry Drive Solutions Wind gearboxes Contact Fairs & Events History Downloads Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik Die Maschinenfabrik Fertigungsinsel Verzahnteile Fertigungsinsel für Standardteile Grossteil-Fertigung Härterei Karriere und Ausbildung Produktionsplanung und Fertigungsvorbereitung Qualität Eickhoff Foundry