What is an Eigenstate? Simple Explanation - Physics Forums
2020年3月24日 · Given an operator, (for example, the Hamiltonian, or the Schrödinger Equation) an eigenstate is a (non-zero) state that, when applied on the operator, results of itself multiplied by some constant factor (that is known as the eigenvalue).
How are eigenstates and eigenvalues related in quantum mechanics?
2017年2月20日 · 1) An eigenstate is one where you get the original function back, usually with some multiple, which is called the eigenvalue. 2) An eigenstate is a state of a particle with a definite momentum or position. For example, in the single slit experiment monochromatic light is …
Is There an Eigenstate for the Creation Operator? - Physics Forums
2007年10月23日 · I'm a little bit confused in general about what an eigenstate is. So say we have something like: H|n>=hw(N+1/2)|n> |n> is the eigenket, hw(N+1/2) is the eigenvalue, but what exactly is an eigenstate? The entire question asks if there are eigenstate to the creation operator and to prove it. I thought that a*|n>=sqrt(n+1)|n+1> Isnt that the ...
What the differ between eigenstate and eigenfunction - Physics …
2009年2月25日 · An eigenstate is a state of a physical system that is described by a specific set of quantum numbers, such as energy or spin. It is a state in which the system will remain if left undisturbed, and it represents a stable, stationary state of the system.
Momentum eigenstates - particle in a box - Physics Forums
2015年11月9日 · Hi. I am just starting to self-study QFT. Have been looking at the non-relativistic case of particles in a box. Have come across creation operators in the occupation number representation which create a particle in specific momentum state. But I thought in a rigid box there are no momentum...
The Meaning of Basis States in Quantum Mechanics - Physics …
2021年8月10日 · If a system is in an eigenstate of energy (I use the eigenstate as a basis) it remains in this state forever. But if I describe the system with a different set of basis states (not eigenstates) the system can be found in AN energy eigenstate with some probability and than it can move to an another state.
Finding the wave function when given the momentum eigenstate
2020年10月15日 · A beam of particles is prepared in a momentum eigenstate ##\ket{p_0}##. The beam is directed to a shutter that is open for a finite time ##\tau##. a) Find the wave function of the system immediately after passing through the shutter. b) Find the momentum probability distribution of the beam after the shutter Relevant Equations
Parity Eigenstates: X Basis Explanation - Physics Forums
2020年12月20日 · The author then states that the wavefunction in this basis ##\psi(\omega) = \langle \omega | \psi \rangle## does not have to be even or odd, even if ##|\psi\rangle## is a parity eigenstate, and leaves checking this statement to the reader.I'm not completely sure about this, but I thought about the harmonic oscillator (or any 1-particle ...
Why Is the Probability of Finding a Particle in a Position Eigenstate …
2016年11月9日 · Mathematically, a position eigenstate is described by a Dirac delta function; a position eigenstate with eigenvalue ##x## is ##\delta(x)##. But the Dirac delta "function" is not actually a function; heuristically, this is because it has zero value at all points but one, and an infinite value at that one point, whereas a true function can only ...
Hydrogen atom eigenstate: proving orthogonality of states
2013年11月27日 · A hydrogen atom eigenstate is a quantum state of the hydrogen atom that describes the distribution of the electron in the atom. It is a solution to the Schrödinger equation that characterizes the energy, momentum, and other physical properties of …