EIGRP CCNA - Cisco Learning Network
firstly im learning eigrp basic on the ccna, but there is a few question which i need to clarify, based on my understanding on eigrp on ccna level . Eigrp is hybrid distance vector protocol that uses reliable transport protocol that do not uses tcp or udp and ip routing during the communication of EIGRP neighbor.
EIGRP Practice 1 - Cisco Learning Network
Note: Default Route Set for EIGRP, But It configure in Configuration Mode. 3. In order to meet security standards. EIGRP should not form Neighbor Relationship on any interface where other EIGRP routers do not exist. BB (Config)# router eigrp 90 . BB (config-router)# passive-interfac default . BB (config-router)# no passive-interface serial 4/0
CCNA EIGRP Part-4 - Cisco Learning Network
show ip eigrp topology -shows Only Successors and Feasible Successors to a destination. show ip eigrp topology All-links shows all routes. Note: EIGRP Topology table view is not really "true view" of the whole topology for AS area; from a router perspective, topology is build based on what my connected neighbors report to me and my cost to them.
CCNP route Challenge Labs - EIGRP - Cisco Learning Network
Hi Folks, Here i'm posting challenge labs which are given in CCNP_ROUTE_LAB_MANUAL v6. Lab topologies are attached.
EIGRP wildcard mask on CCNA - Cisco Learning Network
Hi! When I studied in Netacad, my instructor mentioned I could use the subnet mask in the EIGRP configurations (network command), but generally we must use the wildcard mask, then, my suggestion you use the wildcard mask without worry by this details, because it is more used, even if both configurations are correct.
When is RIP used and when is EIGRP/OSPF used? - Cisco Learning …
EIGRP - EIGRP is known for its faster convergence. So its used in realtime, where they require immediate switchover, if network fails. But, its a cisco proprietary protocol, so it can only used in cisco devices. OSPF - Open standard protocol. So, it supports all vendors. But, its a complex protocol to configure and troubleshoot than EIGRP
Understanding EIGRP - Cisco Learning Network
Within CCNA scope, you can change EIGRP metric using K-values , bandwidth and delay. By default you have K1 = K3 = 1. Cisco doesn't recommend changing other values, including K2,K4,K5, because they can cause route flapping as these the values change based on the usages of the link, but you can still change K1 and K3 to values other than 1 ...
Is EIGRP still widely used in networking today? - Cisco Learning …
EIGRP is used mainly in Cisco only environments but even that is getting few and far between. You can redistribute from EIGRP to other protocols but many prefer one protocal . Cisco said they made EIGRP open standard but I think that may be too late as OSPF is now globally adopted.
EIGRP load/reliability metric components - Cisco Learning Network
NOT work, as expected. Even with a K2 set to 255, the interface dynamic load is not reflected in the EIGRP topology table, so setting K2 does not change anything. Topology: Setting K2: Loading an interface: (pinging from SW2 with SW2 <-> WAN1 link shutdown) Checking the EIGRP topology table: (even after a 10 mn wait)
EIGRP no auto-summary and wildcard - Cisco Learning Network
Once EIGRP knows which interfaces (and their respective networks) are involved in the local EIGRP processs, then the auto-summary feature will control whether we advertise the longer than default length networks.