Mobile ground power unit - EAA-100 - EINSA - AeroExpo
The Self-Propelled Ground Power Unit, model EAA-100, 120 and 140 KVA’s, has been designed to provide electric current to all types of aircraft, both commercial and military, whose onboard system is equipped with AC three-phase, 400 Hz 115/200 V.
Diesel ground power unit, Diesel GPU - All the aeronautical
The GPU-406 Ground Power Unit features a compact design with a full-size performance which allows for easier handling and better mobility near aircraft. It features a brushless, high-efficiency generator ...
Einsa - Aviaco
— Tug pack GPU. Loader. All loaders — Main deck. All main deck loaders — — 14T (30000LBS) main deck — — 20T (40000LBS) main deck ... Lower deck loader Einsa TET16. AV11609. Loader, Lower deck. 2006; Refurbished. EINSA CDA-14C. Self-propelled conveyor belt loader. AV11277. Beltloader, Self propelled. 2001; Refurbished.
The EINSA loaders are designed to lift and transfer loads to aircraft and helicopters. The GPU is a compact, selfpropelled model designed to supply electric power to all types of aircraft and helicopters.
GPU (Ground Power Unit) Generator - Guinault
The Guinault GPUs provide power to the aircraft in accordance with aircraft manufacturers' recommendations and standards in force. They deliver an alternating voltage of 200V/400Hz, and 28Vdc continuously. Optional modules for generating alternative voltages are available (for example 56 Vcc).
Equipos Industriales De Manutencion S.A. (EINSA) - Aviation Pros
2007年6月22日 · Equipos Industriales De Manutencion (EINSA) manufactures and markets a wide range of ground support equipment for military and civil aviation including...
EINSA - Aesmide
Es líder en la Definición paramétrica y funcional, Desarrollo y fabricación de los más avanzados sistemas y equipos de apoyo en tierra para la aviación militar y civil. Tiene plantas de producción y mantenimiento en España y en el Reino Unido.
地面电源装置, GPU产品信息、经销网络 - 航空产品制造商
与柴油 gpu 不同,e-gpu 是一种静音、无排放的飞机供电设备。 在停机坪上进行维护和飞行准备时,e-GPU 可提供飞机所需的电力,并为发动机或 APU 启动提供所需的高功率。
自走式电动传送带,型号为CEA-14,是一种电动装置,设计用于在目前运行的所有商业飞机上装卸包裹和行李。 它采用了最新一代的CA技术,包括传输和服务。 该装置符合EN-12312-3标准,有8米和6米长的框架可供选择。 它结合了伸缩式折叠扶手以及多种选择,如不同类型的带子,带或不带加热装置的开放式或封闭式驾驶室,遥控盒,高度跟踪传感器等。 此为机器翻译文本。 (查看英文原文) AeroExpo(航空在线展会)为您提供自推式行李传送带产品详细信息。 规格型 …
Las nuevas unidades de potencia autopropulsadas de EINSA para …
Uno de los GPU en la cubierta del Juan Carlos I. La compañía Equipos Industriales de Manutención (EINSA) suministrará a la Armada española dos grupos eléctricos autopropulsados para apoyar las aeronaves embarcadas en sus buques.