European Investigation Order | Eurojust | European Union …
The European Investigation Order (EIO) is a judicial decision issued in or validated by the judicial authority in one EU country to have investigative measures to gather or use evidence in criminal matters carried out in another EU country. It is valid throughout the EU, but does not apply in Denmark and Ireland.
Directive - 2014/41 - EN - EUR-Lex
This new approach is based on a single instrument called the European Investigation Order (EIO). An EIO is to be issued for the purpose of having one or several specific investigative measure(s) carried out in the State executing the EIO (‘the executing State’) with …
European Investigation Order - Wikipedia
A European Investigation Order (EIO) is a mechanism established under EU law by which a judge or magistrate in one EU member state can make a binding request to the law enforcement agencies of another member state to collect evidence to assist in a criminal investigation.
This new approach is based on a single instrument called the European Investigation Order (EIO). An EIO is to be issued for the purpose of having one or several specific investigative measure(s) carried out in the State executing the EIO (‘the executing State’) with …
EUR-Lex - 52021DC0409 - EN - EUR-Lex
· The European Investigation Order (‘EIO’) is a judicial decision issued or validated by a judicial authority of a Member State to have one or several investigative measures executed or recognised in another Member State in order to obtain evidence.
EIO | European Judicial Network (EJN)
This area on the EJN website has been created as a quick access point to the most relevant information and tools for the practical application of the EIO Directive. It will be regularly updated and enriched.
European Investigation Order, mutual legal assistance and …
2019年11月25日 · The European Investigation Order is a judicial decision issued in or validated by the judicial authority in one EU country to have investigative measures to gather evidence in criminal matters carried out in another EU country.
European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation
The EIO has become an integral part of EU judicial cooperation and Eurojust’s work since the transposition deadline for the directive passed in May 2017. In 2021, Eurojust dealt with 4 262 cases involving an EIO, and provided assistance to resolve issues concerning challenges with the execution of EIOs for the hearing of suspects or accused ...
European Investigation Order - ejnforum.eu
Use the Compendium to draft an EIO. Switch easily between all EU languages – which can also be used by a translator. Other useful documents which are not meant to be shared with a wider public regarding the EIO Directive can still be found in the EJN restricted access area.
EUROJUST IDENTIFIES CHALLENGES AND BEST PRACTICE IN EIO CASES. * For further information on EIO implementation, see EJN website.