Eist Tuirseach - Witcher Wiki
Eist Tuirseach was the Jarl of Skellige who became the King of Cintra via his marriage with Queen Calanthe in 1252. By 1257, Eist had obtained the crown of Skellige, succeeding his brother Bran Tuirseach.
Eist Tuirseach/Netflix series - Witcher Wiki | Fandom
Eist Tuirseach became the king of Cintra after his impromptu marriage to Queen Calanthe. In the past, Eist Tuirseach and his nephew Crach an Craite attend the royal betrothal. Hidden from all those who attend, Eist has secretly arranged with Queen Calanthe that …
Eist Tuirseach - The Official Witcher Wiki
Eist Tuirseach was a jarl of Skellige during reign of his brother, King Bran. Uncle of Crach an Craite. He became the king of Cintra via his impromptu marriage to Queen Calanthe. Some time after, he also gained the crown of Skellige. He ruled together until 1263, but there were no children from that union.
伊斯特·图尔塞克 - 猎魔人中文维基 | 獵魔士中文維基 | 巫师狩魔猎人攻略资料站 | The Witcher …
伊斯特·图尔塞克(Eist Tuirseach)是一位面孔黝黑、长着鹰钩鼻的史凯利格水手,他的兄弟是布兰王。 在辛特拉帕薇塔公主的选亲宴上,伊斯特与辛特拉王后 卡兰瑟 同样缔结了婚姻,他因此成为 辛特拉 国王,让史凯利格和辛特拉保持了长久紧密的友好关系。
Eist Tuirserach | WitcherNetflix Wiki - Fandom
Eist Tuirseach became the king of Cintra after his impromptu marriage to Queen Calanthe. 1 Biography 1.1 Royal Betrothal 1.2 Imprisoning Geralt 1.3 Defending Cintra from Nilfgaard 2 References In the past, Eist Tuirseach and his nephew Crach an Craite attend the royal betrothal.
List of characters in The Witcher series - Wikipedia
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, known as Ciri, the Lady of Time and Space and princess of Cintra, is one of the main characters of the Witcher saga, around whom much of the plot is centered. She is the lion cub of Cintra, daughter of Pavetta and Duny (also known as the Urcheon of Erlenwald) and granddaughter of Queen Calanthe.
Why does the Netflix show call Calanthe’s husband “Roegner
2020年7月6日 · Calanthe has no intention of honoring the Law and an all-out scuffle breaks out, during which Geralt ends up saving Duny's life. Once the smoke clears, Calanthe finally relents and agrees to marry Pavetta off to Duny - but she also decides to marry Eist herself, since they've been secret lovers for a while. So Eist becomes the new King of Cintra.
All Truth Of Eist On “The Witcher” – Björn Hlynur Haraldsson
2024年5月10日 · In December 2019 Björn appeared in three episodes of the new series released by Netflix, “The Witcher”, in the role of Eist Tuirseach, the Jarl of Skellige, the Northern islands. His nephew, Crach an Craite who Eist mentored, was one of the challengers for the hand of Princess Pavetta, the daughter of Queen Calanthe.
Netflix | The Witcher | Eist Tuirseach
A Skelligan army commander who became the King of Cintra by marriage to Queen Calanthe.
Eist Tuirseach - Gwent Wiki
2018年2月9日 · Spawn a Bronze Clan Tuirseach Soldier. Ehh, my beauteous Calanthe… No retreat! Not one step! Skellige and Cintra shall stand ever together! See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Eist Tuirseach...