CA Tuesday Tip: How to setup and use the !JCK or EJCK
May 9, 2011 · !JCK or EJCK are commands to do a quick JCL check while in ISPF edit mode of a JCL. Using this functionality known as EDCHECK can eliminate JCL errors when submitting a job for execution. A video “Using EDCHECK for CA JCLCheck Workload Automation” is available that shows the use of the EDCHECK interface.
How to create the JCLCheck reports in EDCHEK using EJCK
May 18, 2023 · How to produce the JCLCheck reports when using the EJCK command in TSO/ISPF? 1. Allocate a new sequential data set of at least 5 cylinders in size with attributes of RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133. 2. Allocate the data set to your TSO/ISPF session. For example: ALLOC FI (EDCPRINT) DA ('userid.JCLCHECK.EDCPRINT) SHR. 3.
EDCHEK Options Menu (JCK21) - Broadcom
For example, if you enter %EJCK and then decide you want to see panel JCK20, you can enter EJCK OPTIONS rather than %EJCK OPTIONS. On the JCK21 panel, enter the field values and options you want to take effect when you invoke
Invoke JCLCheck with EDCHEK
The preferred method to invoke EDCHEK is %EJCK. This CLIST calls the EDCHEK macro. The advantage of using %EJCK is that you can specify runtime options on the command line.
How to activate the JCLCheck REXX Interface - myBroadcom
Oct 5, 2023 · The JCLCheck REXX interface helps to enforce site standards by issuing messages when the standard are not met. JCLCheck messages severity level may also be modified using the REXX interface. This Knowledge Document describes how to activate the REXX interface for JCLCheck. Allocate the library containing the REXX Exec to the SYSEXEC DD statement.
Expand the PROC and INCLUDE Statements Using the JCLCheck …
How to expand PROC and INCLUDE statements while validating a JCL member using the EDCHEK commands !JCK or %EJCK in ISPF? Use JCLCheck runtime option EDCHEL. Here's how: - Add the "EDCHEL" option to the EDCHKDD dataset that is …
Invoking with the EDCHEK Facility - Broadcom
To invoke EDCHEK, enter %EJCK, !EDCHEK, or !JCK (a shorthand form of CA JCLCheck) to invoke CA JCLCheck processing against the contents of your edit file. The preferred method to invoke EDCHEK is %EJCK. This CLIST calls the EDCHEK macro. The advantage of using %EJCK is that you can specify runtime options on the command line.
CA - JCLCHECK as EJCK REMOTE option - All Other Tools - IBM …
Oct 17, 2016 · ejck is ca's jclcheck. I works fine for the LOCAL JCL checking but the REMOTE bit leaps across to another MVS, or is supposed to. I am sure that I have some parameter wrong!
Using the EDCHEK Interface
To use EDCHEK, execute either command !JCK or EJCK. These commands validate the JCL and display the results on the terminal. The command !JCK executes a program while EJCK executes a CLIST, which allows the passing of runtime options. For example, the command ” EJCK LIST” passes the option LIST to display all the reports requested.
The EDCHEK Options Menu (JCK21) - Broadcom
You can enter just the commands or JCK options if you have a PF key that is defined for %EJCK such as, PANEL, options, REPORTS, OPTIONS on the command line. To perform the preceding access methods, press the PF key.
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