EK43 S Allround Shop grinder - Mahlkönig
The EK43 S provides the powerful performance of Mahlkönig’s famous EK43 within a space-saving body, that finally brings premium coffee grinding to the smaller coffee bars, too. The EK43 rules the international coffee specialty industry as the undisputed queen of coffee grinders - with high performance, reliability and premium grinding results.
EK43 Allround Shop grinder | Mahlkönig
Robust grinder with high grinding capacity. Suitable for different applications: filter, espresso, or turkish fine coffee grinding. Grinding of other grists such as spices, grain, poppy-seed and linseed is possible with individual burrs and prebreaker. Easy and precise grind adjustment.
除了辣妈,还有魔王EK43|ditting和迈赫迪ek43各版本有什么区 …
2018世界咖啡师大赛官方规则,选手可选磨豆机赞助商Mahlkonig的Peak、EK43、EK43 (S)机型。 EK43磨豆机,要追溯到2009年1月的加拿大蒙特利尔。 当地最有名的咖啡馆之一Café Myriade 的主人Scott Rao和Anthony Benda作为精品咖啡行业的先驱人物,是当时最早使用VST滤碗并测算浓缩咖啡产出比的咖啡师之一。 他们发现由EK43磨豆机研磨出来的咖啡味道更好,咖啡的产出比也更高。 因此他们认定,EK43磨豆机有助于提高咖啡的品质。
EK43和EK43S的区别有哪些 - 知乎
EK43 S集合了EK43的所有强大功能,同时,又实现了体积更小和更加节省空间。 在研磨室内,保证粒度统一的同时又可实现将残渣量降至最低。 EK43s价格比EK43贵1000元左右。 售价目前EK43是18000左右。 EK43S是19000左右。 意式和精品豆都可以研磨,但是意式丰富的油脂,容易在磨盘内有残留,减低使用率,而且没有定量每次需要称重后才研磨。 效率低。 所以一般门店会用作精品咖啡豆研磨。 也是咖啡厅偏爱的精品磨豆机,毕竟门面好看,又实用的,谁不爱 …
Mahlkonig EK43 S Commercial Coffee Grinder | Prima Coffee
With its wide range adjustment and the option to recalibrate your zero point, the EK43 S is capable of grinding for any brew method from Turkish coffee and espresso all the way up …
Mahlkonig EK43S Commercial Shop Grinder - Seattle Coffee Gear
A compact version of the renowned EK43, the EK43S takes everything that made the original grinder great—vertically mounted 98mm flat burrs, a heavy duty 1300W motor, and a precision burr carrier—and shrinks them down to fit on any shop's limited countertop space.
Mahlkonig EK43S Short Coffee Grinder
The EK43 S provides the powerful performance of Mahlkönig’s famous EK43 within a space-saving body, that finally brings premium coffee grinding to the smaller coffee bars, too. The EK43 rules the international coffee specialty industry as the undisputed queen of coffee grinders - with high performance, reliability and premium grinding results.
Mahlkonig EK43 S 全能商用咖啡研磨机 - CoffeeRoast Co.
探索 EK43 S,这是一款来自 Mahlkönig 的紧凑型动力装置,它将著名的 EK43 的卓越性能带到了小型咖啡吧。 作为精品咖啡行业的主导力量,EK43 以其顶级的研磨效果、无与伦比的一致性和卓越的香气提取而占据主导地位。
Mahlkonig EK43 S 1.8 lb. White Allround Coffee Grinder - 120V
Enhance the quality and efficiency of your coffee grinding process with the Mahlkonig EK43 S 1.8 lb. white coffee grinder. As an iconic, internationally recognized grinder, it provides consistent, even extraction of the coffee's valuable flavor and aroma for a premium coffee experience.
文老师EK43-S磨豆机-德国磨王迈赫迪 Mahlkonig EK43s EKK43电 …
文老师EK43-S磨豆机-德国磨王迈赫迪 Mahlkonig EK43s EKK43电动数控 商用研磨豆机 珈妃、文老师咖啡服务,文咖啡。 想要特定萃取的研磨设置,EK43在均匀度方面的表现 德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig EK43s 磨王手冲意式数控电动磨豆机新款包邮