How to receive public IP and Port using Stun and ice4j
As such, I have spent weeks looking around, and after a lot of work I found stun and ice4j. The best explanation of how to use ice4j I found here , and it pretty much showed me what I need to do to add stun servers to an agent (I don't really know what an agent is, just that it manages my communications with STUN and TURN), through this code:
java - How do I get my external IP address and external Port …
2015年6月15日 · I have a Wifi router that has NAT. When I send a packet through my router to stun.ekiga.net, the external port number that stun.ekiga.net is sending its response back to is not the same as the the internal port number. I want the external port number that the STUN server is replying to. * Helpful information * I have received the following STUN ...
C# RDP application with STUN - Stack Overflow
2014年4月29日 · Problem is where i need to run the STUN server and how to use the clients public IP and port for initial hand shaking. and also how to keep the connection alive – Sandaru Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 11:31
node.js - How to self-host to not rely on WebRTC STUN server …
2020年7月20日 · I have just downloaded a video chat project. It uses a STUN server and specifies the URL stun: How can I use my own server instead of the STUN server? What do I have to enter instead of
Coturn stun server returned an error with code=701
I have done TONS of different stun/turn server combinations, e.g.: I used google's stun servers: stun.l.google.com:19302, stun2.l.google.com:19302 etc. I tried ports 3478 and 5349 (of course after restarting coturn) I tried to use credentials for the stun server, but I am sure it does not need them. I tried to use IP6 address
How do I initiate a WebRTC data channel? - Stack Overflow
2015年3月1日 · I'm trying to create a WebRTC data channel between clients using web sockets. I listed some ICE servers var rtcsettings = { iceServers: [ {url: "stun:stun.ekiga.net"}, {url: "stun:stun.
reactjs - Problem with STUN/TURN servers in WEBRTC video app …
2021年5月30日 · I have hosted a peer to peer meeting react app on netlify. I have used Peerjs for my video purpose. Everything is working as expected except the video. For some networks the video of the the remote person is working and for some others it is not working. I looked up and found out that it may be a STUN/TURN issue.
javascript - WebRTC Connectivity Issue - Stack Overflow
2017年12月5日 · lately I have been experimenting with WebRTC. I was trying to really wrap my head around it, while at the same time see if I could test it.
javascript - WEB RTC, Peer JS and NAT - Stack Overflow
2015年6月26日 · I am writing a chat roulette. Here is the link: I am using peer js, which is based on …
Setup peerJS server combined with express - Stack Overflow
2014年11月3日 · In case you are still looking for a way to establish your own peer server, then here is what I have done to make it work for me.