Iakim Volkov’s Wedding: An Illustration of a Complicated History
2024年2月15日 · From a wedding fit for a dwarf to life as an unwanted outcast, Volkov’s plight represents his dependency on Peter the Great. It was also an example of just how quickly …
The Royal Dwarf “Wedding” Which Ended in a Drunken Brawl
2018年9月26日 · However, in one of the court’s stranger episodes, Peter the Great decided to hold a lavish mock wedding involving the dwarf Iakim Volkov. Volkov was the official court …
2. "Wedding of the dwarf Jakim Vol'kov, clown of Peter the Great, …
"Wedding of the dwarf Jakim Vol'kov, clown of Peter the Great, in the wooden palace of Alexander Menshikov, November 14, 1710." Illustration by A. Zubkov, 1711. National Library, Saint...
7 “Delight in Exposing the Old Methods of the Country ...
This chapter shows how Russia's first emperor drew on a range of antecedents — Muscovite weddings, parodic weddings of jesters and fools, and foreign models — to retool royal …
Efim Volkov - 35 件藝術品 - 畫作 - WikiArt.org
Efim Volkov - Aleksandr Makovsky Efim Volkov Ефим Волков. 生於: 三月 22 1844; Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation ; 死於: 二月 17 1920; Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation ; …
叶菲姆·沃尔科夫(Yefim Volkov) - 画园网 - budarts.com
叶菲姆·叶菲莫维奇·沃尔科夫(英语:Yefim Yefimovich Volkov,俄语:Ефим Ефимович Волков)是一位俄罗斯的风景画家。他的父亲是一个农民,他的家庭很穷。他曾短暂受雇于 …
Efim Efimovich Volkov (04.04.1844 - 17.02.1920) - Biography ...
Find out more about the history of Efim Efimovich Volkov, including interesting facts, large resolution images, historical features and more.
Yekim (Yakim) Volkov (? - ?) - riding dwarf, jester, one of the ...
2021年3月23日 · Yekim (Yakim) Volkov (? - ?) - riding dwarf, jester, one of the favorite dwarfs of Peter I. In 1710, his wedding was arranged, for which 30 dwarfs wer
Efim Efimovich Volkov | 35 Artworks - MutualArt
Discover all artworks by Efim Efimovich Volkov (Russian, 1844 - 1920) on MutualArt along with auctions, exhibitions and articles featuring the artist.
How Did Things Turn Out for George Pickering, the Father Who Confronted Doctors at Gunpoint to Save His Child?