Ekiwah Adler-Beléndez
I'm the author of six poetry books and the proud father of Lucio Valentin, my 9-year-old. Since childhood, I've had the tremendous privilege to read my published work and conduct writing workshops at conferences worldwide, including Mexico, the …
Ekiwah Adler-Beléndez - British Council
Ekiwah Adler Beléndez (Amatlán, Morelos, 1987) es poeta, conferencista y maestro. Es el impulsor de la idea original de este radiodrama documental y co-creador del guion y la dirección de este proyecto. Su obra ha sido presentada en México, Estados Unidos, Alemania, Hungría y …
2003年11月6日 · Ekiwah Adler-Beléndez is a prodigy in search of a miracle. He was 10 weeks premature and weighed barely 2 pounds when he was born in the tiny Indian village of Amatlán de Quetzalcoatl in southern...
Ekiwah Adler-Beléndez - Press
Ekiwah Adler Beléndez (Amatlán, Morelos, 1987) is a poet, lecturer and teacher. He is the driving force behind the original idea of this documentary radio drama and co-creator of the script and direction of this project.
Ekiwah Belendez Adler - OYSI
Born in Morelos, Mexico, in 1987, Ekiwah Adler-Belendez began writing poems and stories at the age of ten. He sent his writing to the Institute of Culture of Morelos (ICM), and upon reading Ekiwah’s poems, the director of the Institute immediately offered to publish them.
Ekiwah Adler Belendez
Ekiwah Adler Belendez is from Amatlan, Mexico, a small village an hour from Mexico City. The son of a North American father and a Mexican mother, Belendez is the author of five collections of poetry, Soy (I Am); Palabras Inagotables , (Never-ending Words); Weaver (2003), his first book in English; The Coyotes Trace , which features an ...
To save the body and voice of a poet - NBC News
2004年12月19日 · Ekiwah Adler-Beléndez is the son of an American father and a Mexican mother. In a native dialect, "Ekiwah" means "warrior." He's been battling cerebral palsy ever since he was born in 1987, 10...
Adler-Belendez Ekiwah, Author at Plume
Born in Morelos, Mexico, in 1987, EkiwahAdler-Beléndez is the author of Soy (I Am), Palabras Inagotables (Never-ending Words), Weaver, and Love on Wheels. Ekiwah is a graduate of Bard College at Simon’s Rock and Hampshire College, where …
Poetry of Ekiwah Adler-Belendez | GBH - WGBH.org
2010年3月24日 · Twenty-two-year old poet Ekiwah Adler-Belendez is from Amatlan, Mexico, a small village an hour from Mexico City. The son of a North American father and a Mexican mother, Ekiwah is a poetic prodigy whose powerful verses have …
Foja de poesía N. 499: Ekiwah Adler Beléndez
Presentamos los poemas de Ekiwah Adler Beléndez, él nació en Amatlán, Morelos en 1987. Es poeta, conferencista y maestro. Ha escrito los poemarios Soy, (2000), Palabras Inagotables (2001) Weaver (2003), The Coyote’s Trace (2006) y Love on Wheels (2010). Del 2006- 2008 estudió en el Bard College at Simon´s Rock .