EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
The EL2004 digital output terminal connects the binary 24 V DC control signals from the automation device on to the actuators at the process level with electrical isolation. The EtherCAT Terminal contains four channels that indicate its signal state by means of light emitting diodes. Special features:
EtherCAT 端子模块,4 通道数字量输出,24 V DC,0.5 A
EL2004 数字量输出端子模块以电气隔离的形式将自动化设备中的二进制 24 V DC 控制信号传输到过程级中的执行器上。 该款 EtherCAT 模块有 4 个通道,每个通道都有一个 LED 指示灯显示信号状态。 功能特点: EL2004 数字量输出端子模块以电气隔离的形式将自动化设备中的二进制 24 V DC 控制信号传输到过程级中的执行器上。 该款 EtherCAT 模块有 4 个通道,每个通道都有一个 LED 指示灯显示信号状态。 功能特点: – 可连接不同类型的负载(阻性负载、感性负载、灯具 …
EL2002, EL2004, EL2008 - Technical data - Beckhoff Automation
Technical data. EL2002. EL2004. EL2008. Number of outputs. 2. 4. 8. Non-reactive outputs -yes (see notice). yes (see notice). Load type. ohmic, inductive, lamp load ...
EtherCAT-Klemme, 4-Kanal-Digital-Ausgang, 24 V DC, 0,5 A
Die digitale Ausgangsklemme EL2004 schaltet binäre 24-V-DC-Steuersignale des Automatisierungsgerätes galvanisch getrennt zur Prozessebene an die Aktoren weiter. Die EtherCAT -Klemme enthält je vier Kanäle, die ihren Signalzustand durch Leuchtdioden anzeigen. Besondere Eigenschaften: max. Ausgangsstrom von 0,5 A je Kanal. Ausgangsstrom max.
2004 Acura EL | Specifications - Car Specs - Auto123
Find specifications for every 2004 Acura EL: gas mileage, engine, performance, warranty, equipment and more.
Beckhoff Automation | EL2004 - Datasheet PDF & Tech Specs
Beckhoff Automation's EL2004 is a 4-channel digital output terminal 24 v dc, 0.5 a. in the tools and supplies, misc products category. Check part details, parametric & specs updated 27-FEB-2025and download pdf datasheet from datasheets.com, a global distributor of …
El 2004 - eBay
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EL2004 | Beckhoff | EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, …
EL2004 | BECKHOFF | 4-channel EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A,Fast Delivery,Guaranteed the Best Price!
EL2004 Datasheet (PDF) - Elantec Semiconductor
The EL2004 is a very high-speed, FET input buffer/line driver designed for unity gain applications at both high current (up to 100 mA) and at frequencies up to 350 MHz. The 2500 V/ms slew …
EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
The EtherCAT Terminal contains four channels that indicate its signal state by means of light emitting diodes. Special features: The EL2004 digital output terminal connects the binary 24 V DC control signals from the automation device on to the actuators at the process level with...