埃洛希尔 - 魔戒中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限 …
埃洛希尔 (Elrohir)是 埃尔隆德 与 凯勒布莉安 所生的双胞胎兄弟之一, 阿尔玟 的哥哥。 与 埃尔拉丹 一同出生于 第三纪元 130年,地点是 幽谷,他们的妹妹是 阿尔玟。 [1] 作为 凯勒布莉安 的儿子,他与 埃尔拉丹 是 洛丝罗瑞恩 领主 凯勒博恩 与夫人 加拉德瑞尔 的外孙。 第三纪元 2509年,和埃尔拉丹一起解救出被 半兽人 囚禁的母亲,尽管埃尔隆德治愈了她身体上的伤痛,但恐惧和心理的创伤使得她在次年选择离开中洲,由 灰港 前往西方。 [2] 因此,两兄弟对半兽人十分 …
Elladan and Elrohir | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Elladan and Elrohir were the twin Half-elven sons of Elrond and Celebrían of Rivendell, and were noted for their close friendship and cooperation with the Dúnedain of Arnor, Rangers of the North, and Men in general, and for their deeds during the War of the Ring.
Elladan and Elrohir - Tolkien Gateway
2025年3月1日 · Elladan and Elrohir were the twin sons, and eldest children, of Elrond and Celebrían. They were descended from the royal Houses of the Eldar through both their father and mother, but also from the noble Houses of the Edain through their father.
伊萊丹及伊羅何 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊萊丹及伊羅何(Elladan and Elrohir),是英國作家約翰·羅納德·鲁埃爾·托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien)的史詩式奇幻小說《魔戒三部曲》中的虛構人物。 他們是 瑞文戴爾 (Rivendell)領主 愛隆 (Elrond)的雙胞胎兒子,參與了 魔戒聖戰 (War of the Ring)。
"El Roi" Meaning and Importance: The God Who Sees Me - Bible Study Tools
2020年7月21日 · El Roi means “The God who sees me.” Ro’iy in the original Hebrew can be translated as shepherd, or as seeing, looking, or gazing. In other words, when we feel most invisible and forgotten by everyone else, we can remember that God does see us. He witnesses our struggles and comes alongside us.
伊莱丹 - 百度百科
伊莱丹,是 托尔金 所著小说《指环王》中的人物,亚文的哥哥,爱隆的儿子。 伊莱丹是有着人类血统的精灵,第三纪末居住在瑞文戴尔,但是经常与亚拉冈一同出行。 双生子伊莱丹和伊罗何出生于第三纪130年,兄弟二人外貌非常相似:高大、黑发、灰瞳、容貌俊美。 他们的母亲是凯勒布里安,并有一个妹妹亚玟。 他们的父亲爱隆由于是人类和精灵的后裔,被赋予在精灵和人类的命运中进行选择的权利。 他的孩子面临着同样的抉择,关于究竟留在中土作为凡人生活下去,还是 …
Elladan and Elrohir - Silmarillion Writers' Guild
Twin sons Elrohir and Elladan were born to Celebrían and Elrond, the Lord and Lady of Rivendell, in year 130 of the Third Age. The first of three siblings, their younger sister Arwen Undómiel was born some 111 years later in 241 T.A.
El Roi - Wikipedia
El Roi (Biblical Hebrew: אֵל רֳאִי, romanized: ʾĒl Rŏʾī) is one of the names of God in the Hebrew Bible meaning "The God who sees me" or "The God who sees." Rashi translates it "god of …
Elrohir - Middle-Earth Encyclopedia
Twin brother of Elladan; son of Elrond of Rivendell. Elrohir was born in year 130 of the Third Age along with his twin brother Elladan. He was the son of Elrond, Elf -Lord of Rivendell, and Celebrian, the daughter of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien. Elrohir was a skilled warrior. He was tall and had dark hair and grey eyes.
Who Calls God El Roi in the Bible? - Christianity
2024年7月1日 · What Does the Name El Roi Mean? El is the root of the Hebrew word “God.” According to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, when you add el to the word ro’i (derived from ra’ah, which means “to see” or “that seeth”), the two words mean “the God who sees—personally ‘the God who sees me.’”