EL3312 | EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel analog input, temperature ...
The EL3312 analog input terminal allows thermocouples to be connected directly. The EtherCAT Terminal's circuit can operate thermocouple sensors using the 2-wire technique. Linearization over the full temperature range is realized with the aid of a microprocessor.
EL3312 | EtherCAT 端子模块,2 通道模拟量输入,温度,热电 …
模拟量输入端子模块 el3312 可以直接连接热电偶。 EtherCAT 端子模块电路可以连接二线制热电偶传感器。 整个温度范围的线性度由一个微处理器来实现。
General technical data - Beckhoff Automation
EL3312. Electrical measuring range used. ± 75 mV. Measuring ranges 1) Type B: +200...+1820 °C. Type C: 0...+2320 °C. Type E: -270...+1000 °C. Type J: -210...+1200 °C. Type K: -270…+1372 °C (preset) Type L: -50...+900 °C. Type N: -270...+1300 °C. Type R: -50...+1768 °C. Type S: -50...+1768 °C. Type T: -270...+400 °C. Type U: -50 ...
ELX3312 | EtherCAT 端子模块,2 通道模拟量输入,温度,热电 …
ELX3312 模拟量输入端子模块能够直接连接位于防爆区 0/20 或 1/21 区中的热电偶。 ELX3312 可以连接二线制传感器。 可以在整个可任意选择的温度范围内进行线性化。 故障 LED 指示断线状态。 冷端补偿由内部温度测量完成。 ELX3312 也可以测量 mV 范围内的电压。 ELX 系列 EtherCAT 端子模块必须始终与 ELX9560 电源端子模块配合使用。 该款端子模块从输入电压(24 V DC)中产生一个电气隔离的输出电压(24 V Ex),为后续的 ELX 端子模块供电。 如果需要新的电 …
EL3312 | 2-channel thermocouple input terminal beckhoff
The Beckhoff EL3312 is a 2-channel thermocouple input terminal used in industrial automation systems. It’s designed to interface with thermocouple sensors, which are commonly used for temperature measurement in industrial applications due to their robustness and reliability.
The EL3312 analog input terminal allows thermocouples to be connected directly. The EtherCAT Terminal's circuit can operate thermocouple sensors using the 2-wire technique. Linearization over the full temperature range is realized with the aid of a microprocessor. The temperature range can be selected freely. The error LEDs indicate a broken wire.
EL3312 | BECKHOFF | EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel analog input ...
Part Number : EL3312. EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel analog input, temperature, thermocouple, 16 bit. Number of inputs : 2. Technology : Temperature measurement (TC) Connection method : 2-wire. Signal type : differential. Temperature measurement (thermocouple) : type B, C, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U (default setting: type K)
The EL3312 analog input terminal allows thermocouples to be connected directly. The EtherCAT Terminal's circuit can operate thermocouple sensors using the 2-wire technique.
倍福beckhoff 模拟量输入模块 el3312. 名称:el3312 更多推荐 > > 可在线通过咨询了解详情 通过以下按钮进入下一步 马上咨询. 在线询价. 详情 ...
BECKHOFF EL3312 - 中和碁電股份有限公司
The EL3312 analog input terminal allows thermocouples to be connected directly. The EtherCAT Terminal's circuit can operate thermocouple sensors using the 2-wire technique. Linearisation over the full temperature range is realised with the aid of a microprocessor.