EL3602 | EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel analog input, voltage, …
The EL3602 analog input terminal handles signals in the ranges ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V and ±1.25 V. The voltage is digitized to a resolution of 24 bits, and is transmitted, electrically isolated, to the …
EL3602-0010 | EtherCAT 端子模块,2 通道模拟量输入,电 …
EL3602-0010 模拟量输入端子模块用于测量 -75到 +75 mV 范围内的信号。模数转换分辨率为 24 位,以电气隔离的方式传输到上一层。EtherCAT
EL3602 | EtherCAT 端子模块,2 通道模拟量输入,电压,±10 V …
EL3602 模拟量输入端子用于测量 ±10 V、±5 V、±2.5 V 和 ±1.25 V 范围内的信号。模数转换分辨率为 24 位,以电气隔离的方式传输到上一层。EtherCAT
EL3602-0010 | EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel analog input, …
The EL3602-0010 analog input terminal handles signals in the range between -75…+75 mV. The voltage is digitized to a resolution of 24 bits, and is transmitted, electrically isolated, to the …
EL3602, EL3602-0002, EL3602-0010, EL3602-0020 - Beckhoff …
EL36xx | Analog Input Terminals (24 Bit) EL3602, EL3602-0002, EL3602-0010, EL3602-0020
EL3602-0002 | EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel analog input, …
The 2-channel analog input terminal EL3602-0002 is a variant of the EL3602 for measurements in the range ±200 mV. The voltage is digitized to a resolution of 24 bits, and is transmitted, …
Technical data - Beckhoff Automation
EL3602-0000. EL3602-0020. EL3602-0010. EL3602-0002. Number of inputs. 2. Resolution. 24 bit (including sign) Sampling type. Multiplex. Ground reference. differential. Signal voltage- 10 V …
倍福高精度测量技术的EtherCAT端子模块EL3602 - 倍福中国自动化 …
2008年6月13日 · Beckhoff 的 EL3602 是新一代高精度模拟量设备:测量读数的采样分辨率为 24 位,精度达到 ±0.01 %,为高性能和高精度测量技术奠定了一个理想的基础。 这种将测量技 …
The EL3602-0020 analog input terminal handles signals in the ranges ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V and ±1.25 V. The voltage is digitized to a resolution of 24 bits, and is transmitted, electrically …
EL3602-0002 | EtherCAT 端子模块,2 通道模拟量输入,电 …
2 通道模拟量输入端子模块 el3602-0002 是 el3602 的其中一个型号,量程为 ±200 mv。 模数转换分辨率为 24 位,以电气隔离的方式传输到上一层。 EtherCAT 端子模块的输入通道为差分输 …