4900 Series ELBV - Hellweg
Tried and proven by police forces, enforcement departments, hospital security, private security and more, the 4900 series ELBV is an adaptable, dependable load carriage platform that can …
8600 Series Enhanced Load Bearing Vest - Hellweg
Fully lined with polyester spacer mesh, to create a 4.5mm air gap between your sweat wicking base layer and waterproof armour cover. This in turn promotes convection and evaporative cooling. The 8600 Series ELBV comes in a female specific cut, which conforms better to the female form than unisex vests.
USGI M81 Woodland Enhanced Load Bearing Vest
Holds 6 USGI Aluminum magazines. Outer mag pouches hold 2, inner holds one. No guaranteed fit with other rifle platforms. Load Bearing Vests are perfectly functional with either minor or no cosmetic blemishes, abrasions, or other signs of use. M81 Woodland pattern remains vibrant. Easy to adjust and goes well with my ALICE belt!
Load Bearing Vests | Made In Australia - Hellweg
The 4900 series load bearing vest is available in two styles - a pure Load Bearing Vest (LBV) and the Enhanced Load Bearing Vest (ELBV), the latter capable of being fitted with ballistic (ie bullet proof) or stab proof panels.
2013年7月10日 · 这件背心是90年代美军为特战单位定制的一种模块化作战背心,可以叫LBV-M,也可以叫ELBV,也可以叫SOMAV,能收到这件圣器的仿品,真的是RP非常好,要感谢我的基友小屁孩给我的链接,让我了了一个心愿,这个东西在现在原品有多少件不好说,估计也就是百来 …
Gen II Military Enhanced Load Bearing Vest - Army Surplus World
Commonly known as the LBV88 / ITLBV / TLBV, the Individual Tactical Load-Bearing Vest is constructed of a seven-ounce Cordura nylon fabric printed in the woodland camouflage pattern. The vest is a part of the 'Individual Integrated Fighting System (IIFS)', and is compatible with a standard pistol belt (sold separately).
2013年6月18日 · “ESLBV”是 “Enhanced Soldier Load Bearing Vest”的缩写,其意义为“加强版士兵携载背心。 ”事实上,ESLBV是在美军公发的LBV系列战术背心的基础上研制成功的。 LBV系列战术背心是美军公发的经典战术背心之一。 “LBV”其实是“Load Bearing Vest”的缩写,其意义为“携载背心”。 这款战术背心是美军IIFS系统的一部分,是美军之前的ALICE系统的升级版本。 从二者的名称上不难发现,ESLBV与LBV有着千丝万缕的联系。 但是相比之下,ESLBV又拥有很多的 …
BLACKHAWK 特战加强版 LBV 背心,丛林迷彩 – Gear Illustration
2019年8月18日 · BLACKHAWK 的SF-LBV弹匣包设有倾斜角度,提升换弹效率。 承载面板部分由网格制成,附包则是双层1000D Nytaneon尼龙面料,肩垫背带形状按使用者颈部设计,内置0.5英寸泡沫衬垫。 承载面板内置夹层,由9号YKK拉链开合。 每个弹匣包可容纳两个30发M-16步枪弹匣,内置分隔可使得弹匣不会碰撞发出声音。 背心可容纳8个弹匣和2枚手雷。 特性:
Load Bearing Vests, Harnesses, Battle Belts - SGT TROYS
Military Issue Enhanced Load Bearing Vest (LBV) Color: Woodland Camo Condition: Very Good Condition or Good Conditon Includes: - Padded Shoulder Straps - (4) Large Front Pockets, each can hold (2) 30 round Mags - (2) Grenade Pouches - Worn...
The Tactical Load Bearing Vest has 6 permanently attached pockets which are secured by snaps and Velcro, with a pull-tab. It has webbing and D-Rings sewn to the back of the vest which can be used as equipment attachment points. The enhanced design features padded shoulders which absorb the weight from loading the vest with the gear you need.