Cthulhu Mythos deities - Wikipedia
The "Elder Gods" are a later creation of other prolific writers who expanded on Lovecraft's concepts, such as August Derleth, who was credited with formalizing the Cthulhu Mythos. [2][3] Most of these deities were Lovecraft's original creations, but he also adapted words or concepts from earlier writers such as Ambrose Bierce, and later writers ...
Elder God | The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki | Fandom
The Elder Gods, also referred to as the Elder Deities, are fictional extraterrestrial entities featured in the Cthulhu Mythos. They are originally described as looking like huge pillars of light or fire, which dwell in the vicinity of the star Betelgeuse, and are known to protect humans while...
古神 (Elder Gods),又译作旧神,是美国小说家霍华德·菲利普·洛夫克拉夫特所创造的克苏鲁神话中的一类神祇。 依照奥古斯特·威廉·德雷斯的设定,旧神与旧日支配者敌对,驱逐或封印了众多旧日支配者。
Nodens | The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki | Fandom
Nodens is an "archaic" god served by the night-gaunts. He seems to be somewhat benevolent, opposing the frightening Nyarlathotep, and helping Randolph Carter to find his way back to the waking world, along with S'ngac.
Elder God - Wikipedia
Elder God may refer to: Elder God (Cthulhu Mythos), a type of fictional deity added to H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. The Elder God, a video-game character in the Legacy of Kain series Elder Gods (Mortal Kombat), fictional entities in the Mortal Kombat mythos
Elder Gods and Great Old Ones - Cthulhu Files
In the majority of Derleth's best-known Mythos stories, the beneficent deities are referred to as the Elder Gods, and the malign deities are referred to primarily as the Great Old Ones or the …
有没有哪位大佬能具体地解释克苏鲁神话体系中Elder Gods和Old Gods …
2018年7月26日 · 克苏鲁神话中没有Old Gods这种说法。 也没必要把Elder Gods、Great Old Ones、Other Gods、Great Ones和Outer Gods分得这么清楚,这个分类本身没有什么意义……
克苏鲁神话中的古神 (Elder Gods)和阿撒托斯 (Azathoth)是什么关 …
2020年2月18日 · 阿撒托斯 是外神 (Outer God)的统治者,万物之主,宇宙起源,盲目痴愚之神...... 古神(Elder God)与外神及旧日支配者敌对,以 诺登斯 为首。 古神在洛夫克拉夫特作品中称呼很混乱,其实在洛夫克拉夫特的作品只有旧日支配者(Great Old Ones)一词,后来系统的外神古神什么的都是后人,比如 德雷斯 二设加的。 如果讲关系就是敌对吧。 辩证看待二设. 新人发文,才疏学浅孤陋寡闻,如有错误恳请各位大佬指正. 阿撒托斯 产生一切. 包括所谓旧神外神. 阿撒托 …
엘더 갓 - 나무위키
2024年3月24日 · 사실 엘더 갓은 그레이트 올드 원이나 아우터 갓이 그렇듯 러브크래프트가 만든 구분이 아니다. 이들은 어거스트 덜레스 가 크툴루 신화를 체계화하면서 나타난 것으로, 러브크래프트의 특징인 코즈믹 호러 를 훼손시킨다는 이유로 골수 크툴루 팬들로부터 많은 비난을 받아왔다. 다만 엘더 갓의 설정은 러브크래프트가 생전에 이미 구상하고 있었다는 얘기도 있다. [1] . 덜레스는 그저 이를 러브크래프트와의 서한을 참고하여 확립시킨 것뿐이라고. 현재 엘더 갓으로 …
N'tse-Kaambl | The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki | Fandom
N'tse-Kaambl is a powerful Elder God, who is primarily worshipped in the Dreamlands and was responsible for the creation of the Elder Sign. She is known to combat the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods. Although her ultimate goal is to defeat the evil gods, she is indifferent towards humanity as a whole.
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