Characterising lithium-ion electrolytes via operando Raman ...
2021年6月30日 · Using lithium bis (fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) in tetraglyme (G4) as a model system, our study provides a visualisation of the electrolyte concentration gradient; a method for determining key...
Spectroscopic insights into the thermal aging process of lithium …
The Raman characteristic peak of LiPF 6 can be identified by comparing the spectrum of electrolyte(1.0M LiPF 6 in EC:DEC=1:1 Vol%) and lithium-free electrolyte(EC:DEC=1:1 Vol%). It can be deduced from Fig. S1 and Fig. S2 that the addition of LiPF 6 introduced four new characteristic peaks in 467, 729, 742, 903 cm −1 .
Molecular insight into nano-heterogeneity of localized high ...
2023年2月15日 · Raman spectrometer (HORIBA LabRAM HR Evolution) were performed to characterize the microcosmic structure of electrolytes. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) tests were conducted using Thermo Fisher K-Alpha …
Infrared and Raman study of the PEO-LiTFSI polymer electrolyte
1998年4月30日 · The infrared and Raman spectra of P(EO) n-LiTFSI complexes (n=30, 20, 15, 8, 6) have been investigated at 25, 60 and 80°C. The conformational changes of the polymer are discussed with reference to the phase diagram and to cation solvation.
Figure 4. (a) Raman spectra of PEC/LiFSI electrolytes. (b)...
The present study looks at correlation between solvation structure and the ion-conductive behavior of poly (ethylene carbonate) (PEC)/lithium bis (fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) electrolytes which...
Operando Raman Gradient Analysis for Temperature-Dependent Electrolyte …
2024年7月3日 · Recently, we introduced an operando Raman gradient analysis (ORGA) tool to extract transport and thermodynamic properties. Here, we expand the capabilities of ORGA by incorporating a temperature-sensitive external reference into the design.
Electrolyte Solvation and Ionic Association: VIII. Reassessing Raman ...
2022年6月8日 · A survey of the relevant scientific literature 24–164 indicates that the most widely used Raman peak assignments for LiTFSI-based electrolytes with aprotic solvents correspond to three bands: SSIP 738–742 cm −1, CIP 744–747 cm −1 and AGG 747–750 cm −1 with anion coordination modes for SSIP—solvent-separated ion pair (i.e ...
Raman spectra of the electrolytes: TFSI − region (a) 0
Raman spectra of the electrolytes: TFSI − region (a) 0.5 M EC:DMC, (b) 0.5 M EC:PC, (c) 0.5 M PC, (d) 0.5 M AN, (e) 0.25 M G1, and (f) 0.5 M G3. The influence of electrolyte structure on the...
Applications of In Situ Raman Spectroscopy on Rechargeable …
2023年1月2日 · The AuCu BNs with 90 % OD have better ORR catalytic activity than Cu/C, Au/C, and Pt/C, which even exceeds of benchmark Pt/C. Raman peak at 714 cm −1 was observed on in situ enhanced Raman spectra of 0 %-AuCu, indicating the appearance of intermediate *OH verified by in situ 18 O 2 isotopic substitution experiment and DFT calculations. The ...
Raman spectra of (a) EC and (b) LiFSI. - ResearchGate
We describe a unique concentrated bilayer electrolyte membrane and validate an electrolyte design strategy based on the integration of ionogel-in-ceramic layer (∼30 μm) and ionogel-in-polymer...