Electroweak interaction - Wikipedia
In particle physics, the electroweak interaction or electroweak force is the unified description of two of the fundamental interactions of nature: electromagnetism (electromagnetic interaction) and the weak interaction. Although these two forces appear very different at everyday low energies, the theory models them as two different aspects of ...
20.3: The Electroweak Theory - Physics LibreTexts
Electroweak theory considers electromagnetism and the weak interactions to be different aspects of the same force. A key aspect of the theory is the explanation of why three out of four of the intermediary particles of the electroweak force are massive. (The photon is the massless one.)
These lectures on electroweak (EW) interactions start with a short summary of the Glashow{Weinberg{Salam theory and then cover in detail some main subjects of present interest in phenomenology. The modern EW theory inherits the phenomenological successes of the (V−A)⊗(V−A) four-fermion low-energy description of weak interactions,
Electroweak theory | Physics, Standard Model, Weak Interaction
Electroweak theory, in physics, the theory that describes both the electromagnetic force and the weak force. Superficially, these forces appear quite different. The weak force acts only across distances smaller than the atomic nucleus, while the electromagnetic force can …
(PDF) Electroweak Theory - ResearchGate
2005年10月13日 · I review the features of electroweak phenomenology at tree level and beyond, present an introduction to the Higgs boson and the 1-TeV scale, and examine arguments for enlarging the electroweak...
[hep-ph/0204104] The Electroweak Theory - arXiv.org
2002年4月9日 · I review the features of electroweak phenomenology at tree level and beyond, present an introduction to the Higgs boson and the 1-TeV scale, and examine arguments for enlarging the electroweak theory.
Experimental Tests of the Electroweak model at LEP TheLargeElectronPositron (LEP) collider at CERN provided high precision measurements of the Standard Model (1989-2000).
Electroweak Theory | QED Insights, Particle Interaction & Forces
2024年5月27日 · The Electroweak Theory, a cornerstone of modern particle physics, represents a unification of two fundamental forces of nature: electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force. This groundbreaking concept, which integrates Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with the weak interaction, has profoundly enhanced our understanding of particle interactions and ...
What would the world be like, without a (Higgs) mechanism to hide electroweak symmetry and give masses to the quarks and leptons? Consider the effects of all the SU(3)c ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U(1) Y gauge...
[PDF] The Electroweak Theory - Semantic Scholar
2001年8月10日 · The authors reviews the features of electroweak phenomenology at tree level and beyond, presents an introduction to the Higgs boson and the 1-TeV scale, and examines arguments for enlarging the electroweak theory.