Is there a list of Elven surnames with their translations? : r/DnD
2015年12月11日 · The ones in the 5e PHB under "Common Surnames" in the Elf description provide a few (with translations ...
[OC] Elf family names and common translations chart : r/DnD
2018年2月25日 · I decided to map out all the elf family names along with their common translations so that I could have more options that are "canon" because for some reason I care about that, and maybe you do too. Reply reply
Elven Last names? : r/BaldursGate3 - Reddit
2023年11月6日 · As you'll see sometimes Elves have compound surnames in "Common" like "Shadowstep" "Neverwinter" etc. And other times they're Elvish sounding names. Reply reply
Elf last names for half-elves (D&D) : r/namenerds - Reddit
2022年6月7日 · I’d prefer elven surnames but human ones are fine too as long as they fit (a bit of pretentiousness would be useful). Our characters’ names are Arathea (College of Eloquence) and Alistair (College of Elemental Arts) and they’re both into the performing arts
Elf family names and the Elvish lexicon : r/DnD - Reddit
2018年9月29日 · According to the Player's Handbook (link to D&D Beyond) , elf family names are typically made up of Elvish words, for example: Galanodel (meaning "Moonwhisper") Siannodel (meaning "Moonbrook") In order to create a family name for my elf, I looked for Elvish "dictionaries" on Google, and found and .
Elvish Surnames : r/namenerds - Reddit
2022年10月20日 · Trying to name fantasy characters for a thing I'm working on. One is an Elf and the other is a Half-Elf, and my usual go-to, behind the name, doesn't seem to have much in the surname department for fantasy. So could anyone help me out with suggestions? The Elf's name is Lysandra but she goes by Lysa and the Half-Elf's name is Corrina.
Elf Surnames for Half-Elves : r/DnD - Reddit
2022年6月7日 · Hi! A friend and I are making half-elf twin bards for Strixhaven and I was wondering if y’all had any ideas? I’d prefer elven surnames but human ones are fine too as long as they fit (a bit of pretentiousness would be useful). Our characters’ names are Arathea (Silverquill) and Alistair (Prismari) and they’re both into the performing arts
About elven surnames.... : r/DnD - Reddit
2023年5月20日 · That is part of high elf culture. Wood elf names seem to be different. From memory in older cannon they were a little polyamorous and their surnames seemed to be either naturalistic sounding or based on deeds they had done.it gave them a more "live in the now" vibe which I feel reflected their culture nicely.
Night elf names : r/warcraftlore - Reddit
2018年8月23日 · Melodic, like typical fantasy elf names. But generally still easy to pronounce and 2-4 syllables. There's still some examples of stronger-sounding names like Broll, Illidan, or Jarod. Apostrophes aren't common but do exist: Kur'talos, Kor'vas. Surnames are the ones that are almost always a combination of two words. Usually nature or item related.
Drow Name Tables from Dragon Magazine : r/BaldursGate3 - Reddit
I just found my old Dragon Magazine issue 267 from January 2000 with a very helpful table for drow name elements and their meanings, both for first names and house names.