Our Strategy, Vision and Values - East London NHS Foundation …
Our three core values are: Everyone is entitled to the highest quality care. Everyone should be treated with kindness and respect. improve population health so that our communities are healthier and able to get more out of life.
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The ELFT Strategy
We will work with our partners to deliver on our commitment to person-centred coordinated mental and physical health care, to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve, to recover from the pandemic and to promote social justice...
Our Values Are: We Care We Respect We are Inclusive The ELFT Strategy Our Mission is: To improve the quality of life for all we serve Our Vision: We will work with our partners to deliver on our commitment to person-centred coordinated mental and physical health care, to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve, to recover
Our Values - East London NHS Foundation Trust - YouTube
2017年4月11日 · ELFT’s vision is to make a positive difference to people's lives. We aim to achieve this by providing the highest quality mental health and community care to our local communities. Achieving our...
East London NHS Foundation Trust - LinkedIn
We provide forensic service to all boroughs in North East London and manage four primary care GP practices in Havering and Dagenham. Our Values are: We care | We respect | We are inclusive...
ELFT Values Flashcards - Quizlet
2025年3月10日 · Living our values and working together with our patients, carers and partners. We care means. Everyone is entitled to highest quality care. We respect means. Everyone should be treated with kindness and respect. We are inclusive. Everyone should have access to our services when they need them and we actively seek suggestions on how we can improve.
ELFT social value priorities Ensuring suppliers pay the real living wage. Investment to grow and retention of spend in local economies. Equal employment and training opportunities for local people, people with protected characteristics, service users, and groups hardest hit by the COVID 19 pandemic. A commitment to sustainability. Support for young
The ELFT Strategy recognises, respects and values the important role that carers play in both supporting a person using services and the staff who deliver these
Improved Value - Quality Improvement - ELFT
Improved Value. Obtaining value in healthcare is not only about reducing financial cost, but considering how waste impacts on all aspects of a team’s ability to complete their essential work. ELFT is supporting teams across the organisation to reduce waste and provide higher value care, benefitting both patients and providers.
About Us - Quality Improvement - ELFT
We aspire to improve the quality of life for all we serve, in collaboration with those who use our services. ELFT has five organisational treasures, with Quality Improvement (QI), being a core part of this. Achieving this will mean we have to think differently, be innovative, and give everyone, at every level, the skills they need to lead change.