Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" - SCP Database Wiki
MTF ɛ-11 (Epsilon-11), nicknamed "Nine-Tailed Fox," is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation that is deployed in internal security operations, with a particular emphasis on containment breaches and cases of utmost importance.
MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") | SCP - Fandom
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ( Nine-Tailed Fox ) Is An Intensively Trained Task Force That Is Dispatched To Handle Situations Where Control Is Lost, And Several Breaches Are Confirmed. They Are The Only MTF Unit In SCP - Containment Breach, A nd Are Composed Of Nine Members, each member represented and identified by a queue in the group's Namesake.
HERITAGE XLS 11 - Elipson
Elipson Heritage XLS 11: vintage design, compact size, rich sound reproduction with adjustable midrange and treble controls.
Elipson Heritage XLS 11 - The Ear
2022年9月8日 · The XLS 11 is the latest addition to the Heritage line and a very attractive proposition it is too. I particularly like its bolt on legs which raise the cabinet nine inches off the floor and tilt it back slightly in order to allow better projection of sound.
來自法國的高 C/P 值優選-Elipson Horus 11F 落地喇叭 - U-Audio …
Primare 旗下產品線十分完整,包括串流訊源、CD 唱盤、唱頭放大、前 / 後級擴大機、綜擴及劇院系統,一應俱全,這台 SP25 便是環繞解碼前級,具備 11 聲道輸出,搭配自家的 A35.8 八聲道後級擴大機,即可組成一套強悍的多聲道家庭劇院系統。
Elipson Heritage XLS11 Review: French Neo-classicism - Tech …
2022年11月30日 · The Elipson Heritage XLS11 looks like something from a bygone era that many long for. And it is hardly possible to find a set of new three-way speakers in genuine walnut finish at a cheaper price. For the price, you get a soundstage that’s quite pleasant and with an appropriate fun factor.
Elipson Heritage XLS 11 floor speaker - AV-Connection
Experience speaker with modern acoustics in elegant vintage style design, 8" bass and superior sound reproduction for true music immersion with Heritage XLS 11 Home Return goods
伊丽声Elipson Heritage XLS 11音响评测:复古高保真_高级Hi …
2022年7月30日 · Elipson Heritage XLS 11:总结 凭借新的 Elipson Heritage XLS 11,这家法国制造商设法将 XLS 15 的基本元素有效地浓缩成比以往更紧凑的格式。 复古设计以同样的方式再现,具有视觉上完美的饰面和 70 年代的基本细节,例如正面的电位器。
Elipson Heritage XLS 11 (Each) - Altitudo Audio
The Elipson Heritage XLS 11 loudspeaker is a bass-reflex loaded three-way model with a decidedly vintage aesthetic. Little sister of the Elipson Heritage XLS 15 speaker , the Elipson Heritage XLS 11 takes up the elements of its success, while providing a more compact format to fit more easily into any interior.
Elipson Heritage XLS 11: retro hi-fi brought up to date
2022年7月29日 · The new Elipson Heritage XLS 11 speaker is the smaller counterpart of the popular Elipson Heritage XLS 15, and has the same 60s/70s inspired design in a more compact format. The French specialist sticks to the same formula, with a three-way design, bass-reflex enclosure with a front-firing port and knobs on the front panel to adjust the mids ...