Elisa Rubbo | The University of Chicago Booth School …
Elisa Rubbo is an economist interested in macroeconomics and international trade. Her research focuses on how macroeconomic variables affect different industries and labor markets. Rubbo earned a Ph.D. in Economics from …
Elisa Rubbo | Becker Friedman Institute - BFI
Elisa Rubbo is an economist interested in macroeconomics and international trade. Her research focuses on how macroeconomic variables affect different industries and labor markets. Rubbo earned a Ph.D. in Economics from …
Research - Google Sites
This paper reviews a framework for studying the aggregation and propagation of microeconomic shocks in general equilibrium. We discuss the determinants of aggregate measures of real …
Networks, Phillips Curves, and Monetary Policy - Rubbo - 2023 ...
Readers can refer to the Supplement for proofs of the theoretical results and more detail about the Phillips curve regressions. The additional Additional Online Materials ( Rubbo ( 2023)) …
Networks, Phillips Curves, and Monetary Policy Elisa Rubbo June 30, 2020 Clickhereforthemostrecentversion Abstract I develop an analytical framework for monetary ...
Elisa Rubbo | Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics
Elisa Rubbo Visiting Professor. Email. [email protected]. CV. Website. Visits. Elisa Rubbo. Program: Macroeconomics Visiting from: University of Chicago Dates: 4/22 - 26/2024. …
-2-Professor Gita Gopinath Littauer Center 206 617-495-8161, [email protected] Professor Gabriel Chodorow-Reich Littauer Center 206 617-496-3226, …
Elisa Rubbo | NBER
Booth School of Business University of Chicago 5807 S. Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, IL 60637
Elisa Rubbo - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Elisa Rubbo is a contributing author. Share; Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The Cleveland Fed is part of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. With offices in …
Elisa Rubbo | Chicago Booth Review - The University of Chicago …
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