Detailed Surface Scanner | Elite Dangerous Wiki | Fandom
A Detailed Surface Scanner is an optional internal module that fires disposable probes (which are unlimited and do not require restocking like ammunition or limpets) at a planet, moon, or planetary ring system in order to acquire detailed cartographic and composition data.
Where can I find a Detailed Surface Scanner in Elite Dangerous?
2015年2月18日 · For instance, to find the detailed surface scanner nearest to your location, click on the "Stations" tab. In the field "Stations sells Modules" type "Det" and it should auto-complete to the detailed surface scanner.
How to use DSS Heat Map & find POIs (geo / bio locations) [Video ...
2021年8月23日 · If you send out enough probes / satellites to orbit, then you're able to zoom to the surface and map the terrain, such as mapping landing spots for your ship and asking your ship to land in specific place manually.
DSS pre-engineered - Frontier Forums
2022年6月22日 · A pre-Engineered Detailed Surface Scanner with two Expanded Probe Scanning Radius modifications called "Engineered Detailed Surface Scanner V1" can be purchased at Human Technology Brokers.
Odyssey Biological and Geological Guide - Frontier Forums
2021年6月17日 · For you to take samples, you will need a Artemis suit and a Detailed Surface Scanner. An SRV is also very handy, as it can be a long walk between genetically diverse samples for some species. The biology ranges from bacterial colonies to full size trees and some strange looking fungi in between.
How to use detailed surface scanner? :: Elite Dangerous General …
It works automatically when you scan an undiscovered planet with it installed. just target the planet/sun you want to scan and fly towards in in SC until the scanner starts working. The range at which it works depends on the size of the object you're trying to scan. I previously landed on a planet, and it was still called "unexplored".
Elite Dangerous How to Use Detailed Surface Scanner
This article will teach you how to use the detailed surface scanner. We'll start with what it does and then cover some tips on using this tool effectively. There are two ways that players can activate the Detailed Surface Scanner; by pressing "F" key or by clicking "Detailed Surface Scan" in their Navigation Panel.
Exploration Guide in for Elite Dangerous — CMDRs ToolBox
The surface scanner is a class 1 module that must be fitted to a ship and assigned a fire group. Mapping a planet can reveal Locations on the surface like geological sites , Thargoid or guardian ruins or abandoned settlements like Dav’s Hope.
Mining need surface scanner? :: Elite Dangerous General …
2020年1月11日 · Do i need a Detailed Surface Scanner for a mining build? or is it only for exploration? If you want to find hotspots - yes, you need the DSS. Yes, get it. I used online sources to find prestige rings of ice, then scanned them to find hotspots. When I go back, the hotspots automatically apear, without the need to rescan.
Cannot find detailed surface scanners :: Elite Dangerous General ...
2021年12月27日 · Detailed surface scanner is an optional internal module, doesn't go in your hardpoint load out. IIRC its under a different group, not under utilities. Its also possible for eddb to be wrong. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.