ELKI-数据挖掘平台:聚类与离群点检测的强大工具 - Baidu
2024年2月4日 · ELKI(Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures)是一个专门为聚类和离群点检测而设计的数据挖掘平台。 与Weka类似,ELKI也是一个用Java编写的开源平台,提供了丰富的数据挖掘算法和工具。
ELKI - GitHub
ELKI is an open source (AGPLv3) data mining software written in Java. The focus of ELKI is research in algorithms, with an emphasis on unsupervised methods in cluster analysis and outlier detection. In order to achieve high performance and scalability, ELKI offers many data index structures such as the R*-tree that can provide major performance ...
Elki Consulting
Elki Consulting Group specializes in strategic growth and operational excellence. We begin with your business design, focus on your plan, eliminate your barriers to productivity and bring you real business solutions to maximize your bottom line.
Overview (ELKI: Environment for DeveLoping KDD-Applications …
ELKI: Environment for DeveLoping KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures. ELKI is a generic framework for a broad range of KDD-applications and their development. For background, contact-information, and contributors see https://elki-project.github.io/. The ELKI website contains additional documentation.
Eltern-Kind-Behandlung (ELKI) - UPK Basel
Die Eltern-Kind-Behandlung hilft Familien mit Kindern im Alter von vier bis zehn Jahren, in denen sowohl das Kind als auch ein Elternteil von psychischen Belastungen betroffen ist. Im Programm werden der betroffene Elternteil und das Kind parallel behandelt, wobei beide jeweils als eigenständige Patientinnen und Patienten aufgenommen werden.
Ёлки 3 (2013) фильм смотреть онлайн бесплатно в HD 1080 и …
Спустя два года они снова с нами: любимые герои «Ёлок» в самых невероятных новогодних историях. Боря и Женя, чьи годовалые дети в канун праздника доведут друзей до психушки. Маленькая девочка Настя, чьи родители разлучат ее влюбленных друг в друга собак. Лыжник и сноубордист в самой экстремальной в их жизни гонке - от военкома.
Elki El - Facebook
Elki El is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Elki El and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more...
Corn & Black Bean Salsa - 802E / 16 oz - Elki
Elki Salsa's Corn & Black Bean Salsa 802E / 16 oz. Sun ripened yellow corn and black beans combined with tomatoes, onion, red, green and jalapeño peppers and green chiles create this chunky, flavorful salsa. Suggested Uses: Serve as a great appetizer on its own with a big bowl of crispy tortilla chips. Use with grilled chicken, seafood, in a ...
Lingonberry Spread - 24E / 13.4 oz. - Elki
Elki's Scandinavian Lingonberry fruit spread has been our most popular preserve since we began importing it since 1984. Once you've tried it, we believe it will become a favorite staple in your home. Serve alongside a cheese platter with Elki crackers, use in a panini sandwhich with roast turkey and cambert cheese or spread on a toasted English ...
Artichoke Bruschetta - 92E / 12 oz - Elki
For an incredible and easy warm spinach and artichoke dip recipe, bake Elki’s Artichoke Bruschetta Spread and Dip with chopped spinach (frozen, thawed and drained, or fresh) and finely shredded Parmesan cheese. Serve with flatbread, crostinis, or Elki’s crispy crackers for a crowd-pleasing appetizer.