New clues in decades-old Chautauqua County ‘Jane Doe’ case
2022年10月7日 · It was December of 1983 when the woman identified as Ellery Jane Doe’s body was found off Route 17 in the Town of Ellery. Now investigators have a brand new sketch of …
193UFNY - Unidentified Female - The Doe Network
The victim was discovered in a ditch along Route 17, Southern Tier Expressway, eastbound lane, in the Town of Ellery. The partially clad body was found by utility company employees at …
Could the ‘Snapshot Killer’ be responsible for the 1983 Ellery Jane Doe …
2023年12月10日 · Authorities are investigating whether a man suspected of being the “Snapshot Killer” might be responsible for a Jane Doe found in Ellery, New York, 40 years ago. “On …
Ellery Jane Doe Has Been Unidentified Since 1983. - Underground …
2023年11月12日 · Although she passed away after being shot in December of 1983 in New York, it is believed she was foreign to the area and likely not an American. She has been …
Chautauqua County Jane Doe (1983) - Unidentified Wiki
Chautauqua County Jane Doe was a woman found murdered in New York in 1983. A document found with her body suggests she was native to Canada or Europe. The victim was found lying …
Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office asks for help in solving 1983 …
2022年10月8日 · She was beaten, shot, and left to die in a rain-filled ditch near Highway 17. MAYVILLE, N.Y. — The Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office is asking for help in solving a …
Newly Generated Images Bring ‘Ellery Jane Doe’ Back To Life
2023年11月25日 · Newly generated images have brought to life a woman whose identity has remained a mystery for 40 years. The life-like photographs of who is known locally as “Ellery …
CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY JANE DOE: WF, 30-37 - Found murdered in Ellery…
1983年12月6日 · A Niagara Mohawk Power Company truck driver discovered Ellery Doe on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1983, between 8:30 and 9:00 AM. She had been dumped in a shallow, water …
Chautauqua County Cold Case | wgrz.com
2023年5月29日 · Ellery Jane Doe was found on Highway 17/86 in Ellery, New York in Chautauqua County on December 6, 1983. MAYVILLE, N.Y. — Unsolved Chautauqua has …
Unsolved Crimes Unit looking for public's assistance with 1983 …
2022年10月7日 · The victim has been given the name Ellery Jane Doe. Detectives say the unidentified woman left behind some clues, including extensive gold dental work from Europe; …