Stray: Where Is Elliot - Downtime Bros
2022年7月23日 · So, where is Elliot in Stray? Elliot is located on the top floor of his electronics shop. To find his shop from the main courtyard, go down the steps and past The Bar. Take the next left and then turn right. Elliot’s shop is the first door on …
Elliot - Stray Wiki | Fandom
Elliot is a Companion in The Slums in Stray. Elliot is the owner of Elliot's Programming and is seen programming something on his Computers. The Cat can interact with Elliot. He is a robot with a...
2022年7月20日 · 《迷失(stray)》中的elliot角色是游戏里比较独特的一个人,是主线剧情里面很重要的一个人物,不过他的具体位置比较隐蔽,想要找到的话难度很大,而elliot角色的位置继续就在老奶奶店那边的一个二
《迷失Stray》如何让Elliot工作(拿到毯子) - 哔哩哔哩
这个剧情任务我也是跟多个NPC对话了半天才明白过来怎样拿到毯子的,把解密过程做成视频分享给大家,希望能够帮助到大家。 一个喜欢玩游戏的资深杂食性游戏UP主,喜欢专研游戏。 这个剧情任务我也是跟多个NPC对话了半天才明白过来怎样拿到毯子的,把解密过程做成视频分享给大家,希望能够帮助到大家。 视频播放量 2678、弹幕量 0、点赞数 13、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 2、转发人数 3, 视频作者 呆萌的洋葱君, 作者简介 一个喜欢玩游戏的资深杂食性游戏UP主,喜欢 …
STRAY - How to find Elliot the Programmer (Geek) - YouTube
Location guide walkthrough on where to find Elliot the programmer, the geek, in the cat game STRAY. The location of Elliot the programmer is very close to th...
STRAY - PS5 | The Slums - Where To Meet Elliot & How To Find …
2022年7月20日 · STRAY - PS5 | The Slums - Where To Meet Elliot & How To Find Him a BlanketThe game is a third-person adventure game. It has open world elements, with a focus...
《迷失Stray》全收集图文和解谜攻略(上) - 哔哩哔哩
乐谱3 : Elliot家1楼画像旁边。 Elliot家不知道怎么去的,看 本章的 流 程解谜,有他本人的任务。
Stray: Where is the Blanket for Elliot and How Do You ... - GameRevolution
2022年7月19日 · How to find the blanket for Elliot in Stray. The blanket for Elliot is actually a poncho, which can be obtained from Grandma in exchange for an Electric Cable.
Stray guide: Collect the Poncho to warm up Elliot | Polygon
2023年8月10日 · In this Stray guide, we’ll teach you how to get the Super Spirit Detergent, the Electric Cable, and the Poncho so you can fix the Broken Tracker.
Stray – How To Get The Poncho For Elliot (Warm Cloth) Guide
During your adventures through Stray you will more than likely come across Elliot, who owns the building that requires us to translate a door in order to gain access. Now one of the tasks that Elliot will want us to fulfil is to get him a poncho (a cloth to …