Elluka Clockworker - The Evillious Chronicles Wiki
Elluka Clockworker, regarded as the Sorceress of Time and the Eternal Sorceress, was a powerful mage and the sister-in-law of Irina Clockworker. Awakening from Sin in the wake of the Levianta Catastrophe, the immortal accepted a quest …
Elluka Chirclatia | The Evillious Chronicles Wiki | Fandom
Elluka Chirclatia, later Elluka Clockworker, was a mage of the Magic Kingdom Levianta and the fiancée of Kiril Clockworker. Originally a shrine maiden at Lighwatch Temple, she later left due to realizing its corruption. Meeting Kiril, she began living with him and his sister Irina before she and Irina were both selected for the seventh Project ...
Elluka Clockworker - Story of Evil Wiki
Elluka Clockworker, was the reincarnation of the twin Gods Levia and Behemo inside the corpse of Elluka Chirclatia, and is the central protagonist of many events in the Evillious Chronicles. She is sent on a quest by Eldoh to collect the Seven Deadly Sins .
艾爾露卡·克洛克沃克 - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
艾爾露卡·克洛克沃克(日語:エルルカ=クロックワーカー,英語:Elluka Clockworker)是mothy創作的《艾維裡奧斯系列》及《惡之系列》中的重要人物。 目錄
Ma | The Evillious Chronicles Wiki | Fandom
Ma, also known by the names of Elluka Clockworker, Kayo Sudou, the Gardener, and the Sorceress of Time, was a powerful mage. Born in the wake of the Duel of Merrigod Plateau, Ma manipulated Kayo Sudou, Gallerian Marlon, Nemesis Sudou and many others throughout the centuries, on a quest to collect the vessels of sin and become a "pure" being.
Ellyka - bg3.wiki
Ellyka is a scout encountered to the west of Waukeen's Rest near the Mountain Pass entrance in Act One. That bridge was going to be my passage to Baldur's Gate. To safety. Now I've to find another way. At the entrance to the Mountain Pass, Ellyka warns the party about a group of githyanki on the road ahead.
雷维安塔的灾难中幸存者,一个人活在悠久岁月里,她就是艾尔露卡--克洛克沃克。 虽然她被小姑子伊莉娜--克洛克沃克杀死过一次,但她的未婚夫基里尔•克洛克沃克将她的她的尸体放进方舟的“罪”中,结果造成了长生不老的生命。 就在这时,“罪”还召来了神龙莱维亚,比西莫,雷维安塔魔道王国迎来了毁灭。 虽然拥有强大的魔力,但重生之前,是无法使用“变身术”。 在祖国灭亡后接受大地神艾尔德的委托,防止恶意扩散,开始在历史的幕后奋斗。 他一边帮助别人,一边追随“大罪 …
悪ノ王国〜Evils Kingdom〜 (Aku no Oukoku 〜Evils Kingdom〜)
The three subordinates of Lucifenia Arth the first, devoted to the Foundation country Lucifenia, are known as the "Three Heroes" (Leonhart, Mariam and Elluka). 499 -Elluka Clockworker chooses Gumillia at the Millennium Tree (Tree of Held) as an apprentice.
v家七宗罪 - 百度百科
七宗罪系列描述了魔幻大陆——艾维里奥斯上以七宗罪为契机发生的种种悲剧。 此系列由VOCALOID虚拟歌手主唱,截至2017年2月3日,在NICONICO动画的点播次数有八首歌曲超过100万次,达成传说。 这也显示出此系列作品在VOCALOID同好之间广为流传的超高注目度。 七宗罪系列最大的魅力在于其庞大复杂的世界观。 想了解此世之种种,除了此系列本身的七首歌曲外,听众还要欣赏 mothy 所作其他歌曲 (事实上 mothy 所作的歌曲至少有三分之二与此系列相 …
Elluka Clockworker from Daughter of Evil, Clôture of Yellow
Elluka Clockworker is a character from the Light Novel Daughter of Evil, Clôture of Yellow. They have been indexed as Female Adult with Blue / Green eyes and Pink hair that is Hip / Past Hip length. View characters with same traits. 2010 was a great year for anime.