hebrew - Difference between El and Eloah - Mi Yodeya
Both singular forms seem to be closely related to each other. But what exactly is the connection and the difference (in grammar and, more important, in meaning) between the two? And what …
Difference between meaning of Elohim and Elohe - Mi Yodeya
Dec 9, 2022 · What is the difference in meaning between Elohim and Elohe?
grammar dikduk - Elo-aH - Feminine or not? - Mi Yodeya
I had been taught that Elokim is a unification of Divine Feminine and Masculine from the root Elo-aH. Is this the case or is the Name Elo-aH also masculine?
How do you pronounce the name אֱלוֹהַּ? [duplicate]
Oct 18, 2019 · There's nothing wrong with saying "Eloah" aloud as a practice word. Just like how you'd say "Elohim Acherim" repeatedly without hesitation. (This answer is total overkill to the …
Why Elohim is used far more in Tanach than El? - Mi Yodeya
The Vilna Gaon on his commentary to the first blessing of Shemoneh Esrei (pg. 168 in Ishei Yisrael) says that the name א-ל refers to Hashem's existence as beyond and outside the world, …
history - Does the fact that "Elohim" is plural indicate ... - Mi Yodeya
Aug 15, 2020 · R. Judah Halevi addresses this in Part IV of the Kuzari: The word has a plural form, because it was so used by gentile idolaters, who believed that every deity was invested …
words - What's "chelek Eloak mimaal"? - Mi Yodeya
May 16, 2023 · The Ramchal in Da'at Tevunot refers to the soul as a chelek eloah mima'al. The reference is in siman 24 (page 7) of the R' Chaim Friedlander edition. I don't know if there are …
words - Difference between חֵטְא and עֲבֵרָה - Mi Yodeya
Is there a difference between a חֵטְא (cheit) and an עֲבֵרָה (aveira)? I translate both of those words as "sin." Maybe they signify a different level of magnitude? Or maybe one word is simply app...
grammar dikduk - What is the difference in meaning between the …
Jul 30, 2023 · The word for “Your decrees” (Sefaria) appears in Tehillim 119 (& elsewhere) in two forms with and without the letter “vav”. The meanings seem to be identical but the …
What is the difference between Almah vs. Ha-Almah?
Oct 11, 2021 · Maybe my question wasn't clear but I'm looking for the Almah in the book of Isaiah since Isaiah is saying Ha-Almah so he must be referring to a woman in his writings ideally …