Előd Takáts - Wikipedia
In 1999, Takáts graduated with honours from the Budapest University of Economics and Business Administration (the predecessor of Corvinus University of Budapest) with a degree in finance, majoring in Economic Policy.In 2002, he obtained a master's degree in economics from the Central European University.He then continued his studies at Princeton University in the US, where he obtained a PhD ...
Elod Takats - London School of Economics and Political Science
Elod Takats ; Dr Előd Takáts Visiting Professor in Practice School of Public Policy. Languages. English, Hungarian. Key Expertise. Economics, Finance, Monetary Policy . About me. Előd Takáts is a Visiting Professor in Practice at the LSE School of Public Policy. He is the adviser to the Deputy General Manager at the Bank for International ...
BIS authors - Bank for International Settlements
Előd Takáts is the Adviser to the Deputy General Manager. Prior to his appointment, he worked as Rector at his alma mater, Corvinus University of Budapest, to internationalise the university.
Elod TAKATS | Senior Economist | Ph.D. (Princeton) | Bank for ...
Elod TAKATS, Senior Economist | Cited by 1,008 | of Bank for International Settlements, Basel | Read 50 publications | Contact Elod TAKATS
Takáts Előd – Wikipédia
Takáts orvos és közgazdász szülők gyermekeként született. [4] Középiskolai tanulmányait a Toldy Ferenc Gimnáziumban végezte, majd 1994–1999 között szerzett diplomát kiváló minősítéssel a Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetemen pénzügy szakon, gazdaságpolitika szakirányon. [4] 2000–2002 között a Közép-európai Egyetem közgazdaságtan szakán szerzett ...
Előd Takáts - Google Scholar
D Masciandaro, E Takats, B Unger. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007. 183: 2007: Can demography affect inflation and monetary policy? M Juselius, E Takáts. BIS Working paper, 2015. 181 * 2015: Exchange rate pass-through: What has changed since …
Adviser – Bank for International Settlements – BIS - LinkedIn
Adviser at Bank for International Settlements · 1) Provide strategic advice to the top management of the Bank for International Settlements. 2) Led as rector an ambitious reform to enhance academic research and reorganize organizational structure at a major university, impacting over 13,000 individuals. 3) Conduct and lead cutting-edge economic analysis, with a focus on monetary policy.
- 职位: Adviser at Bank for …
- 位置: Bank for International Settlements – BIS
Elod Takats - IDEAS/RePEc
Elod Takats, 2011. " Cross-border bank lending to emerging market economies ," BIS Papers chapters , in: Bank for International Settlements (ed.), The global crisis and financial intermediation in emerging market economies , volume 54, pages 11 …
Elod Takats | International Monetary Fund | 14 Publications | 320 ...
Elod Takats is an academic researcher from International Monetary Fund. The author has contributed to research in topics: Incentive & Enforcement. The author has an hindex of 7, co-authored 14 publications receiving 299 citations. Previous affiliations of Elod Takats include Bank for International Settlements & Princeton University.
Papers by Elöd Takáts - European Central Bank
Insights into our work on financial stability and payments and market infrastructures. Overview of payments and financial stability